Tia shrugged. ‘He’s worried about the baby.’

Sharon arched an eyebrow. ‘Oh, right. And wild, passionate kisses are the latest thing for averting pre-term labour, are they?’ She gave a grin. ‘I must have been reading the wrong research papers.’

Tia flushed. ‘You’ve got it all wrong.’

‘No.’ Sharon’s smile faded and she shook her head. ‘It isn’t me who’s got it wrong, angel, it’s you.’

‘So if he’s crazy about me, why hasn’t he told me?’ Tia asked, trying to sound indifferent.

Sharon gave a shrug. ‘I don’t know. I admit that’s a mystery. But you haven’t exactly been honest with him about your feelings either, have you? When did you last tell him that you love him?’

Tia shook her head. ‘Not since that fiasco on the day of the wedding that wasn’t.’

‘Precisely.’ Sharon breathed out heavily and shook her head. ‘What a mess. The two of you need to have your heads knocked together.’

Tia bit her lip. ‘Sharon…’

‘All right, I’ll drop it.’ Sharon looped her stethoscope around her neck and moved towards the door. ‘But take my advice. Any man who can kiss a woman like that is worth hanging onto.’

Tia watched her go with a faint smile. There was no doubt that Luca knew exactly how to kiss a woman senseless.

She touched her mouth with her fingers, remembering just how that kiss had felt.


But she still couldn’t bring herself to tell him that she loved him. It would make her too vulnerable.

An hour later Sharon popped her head round the door to tell her that Luca had been called down to Theatre and had said that Tia should have an early night.

Hiding her disappointment, Tia closed her book and snuggled down in bed, deciding to take his advice. Sleep certainly seemed to be helping. She felt better than she had for ages.

The baby was still very active and the pain had gone.

Maybe there really was nothing to worry about.

Tia awoke when the pain hit her.

With a muted gasp she struggled to sit upright, her hand pressed to her abdomen as the severe cramping pain tore through her insides.

Groaning softly, she bit back a sob and realised that the room was still empty. Luca obviously hadn’t come back. Eyes closed, she breathed gently, hoping that the contraction would soon pass. Because that was undoubtedly what it was. She’d never had a baby before so she didn’t have first-hand experience of labour pains, but the hand she had placed on her abdomen told her everything she needed to know.

She was definitely in labour.

Six weeks early.

Trying not to panic, she took shallow breaths and waited for the pain to pass. Finally she was able to reach out and press the buzzer.

Polly, the night sister, was by her side in an instant. ‘Problems?’

Tia nodded, her lower lip caught between her teeth. ‘I’m in labour, Polly. Or at least I think I am.’

‘Can I have a feel?’ Polly sat down on the bed next to her and placed a hand on Tia’s bump.

Tia tensed as another pain hit and Polly glanced at her watch, timing the contraction. After a few minutes she stood up and bustled around the room.

‘I’m going to put you on a monitor,’ she told Tia, ‘but it does look as though you’re in labour. I’ll call Dan Sutherland.’

‘Where’s Luca?’ Suddenly Tia desperately wanted him to be with her. It didn’t m