He was enough to give a woman a heart attack.

His eyes opened and his expression changed as he intercepted her look.

‘Tia?’ His voice was gruff and he rose to his feet and settled himself on the edge of her bed, a strange light in his eyes. ‘How are you feeling? Sharon told me that you’ve slept for most of the day. That’s good.’

His nearness was making her whole body weak and before she could stop herself she reached out a hand and drew his head down to hers.

With a low groan his mouth closed over hers, his tongue seeking entrance as he kissed her slowly and thoroughly.

Her heart thumping, she felt one of his hands slide into her hair, holding her head immobile so that he could increase his access to her mouth.

Her body started to ache and burn as his tongue explored her intimately, his kisses growing deeper and more demanding. His free hand slid gently over her breast, cupping the fullness, teasing the peak with the rough pad of his thumb until she thought she’d go mad with frustration.

By the time he finally lifted his head she was shaking so badly that had she not already been lying on the bed her legs would certainly have given way.

‘Cara.’ His voice was thick with passion and he brushed his knuckles over her flushed cheeks with a rueful smile. ‘I’m sorry. I should have shaved before I kissed you.’

‘It doesn’t matter.’ Her eyes dropped to his dark jaw and desire curled deep inside her.

‘Do you realise that is the first time in the whole of our relationship that you have touched me first?’ His voice was soft and his eyes were strangely penetrating, as if he was trying to read her mind.

Tia dropped her eyes, thinking to herself that it was a good job that he couldn’t read her mind or he’d be able to see just how much she loved him, and she didn’t want that.

It would be more than her pride could bear to let him know just how deep her feelings were for him.

There was an exaggerated cough from the doorway and Sharon stood there, a wicked grin on her face.

‘Sorry to disturb you two lovebirds. I’m supposed to be checking your blood pressure, Tia, but it’s going to be sky high after that!’

Luca laughed and stood up slowly, as relaxed and self-possessed as ever.

‘Absolutely. Better give her five minutes to get her breath back.’

Tia watched him curiously, her cheeks still flushed. He didn’t seem to mind at all that Sharon had caught them kissing.

Still smiling, Sharon checked Tia’s pulse and blood pressure and then listened to the foetal heart.

‘You shouldn’t be doing all this,’ Tia said, watching her friend recording all the results. ‘I ought to have a student midwife.’

Sharon looked horrified at the mere suggestion. ‘I’ve already told you—we’re not that busy today, so you can have star treatment.’

‘Let’s put her on the monitor for an hour,’ Luca suggested, rubbing a hand over his face and suppressing a yawn. ‘I might go and have a shower while you do that.’

He touched his rough jaw and looked at Tia with an apologetic smile.

‘You go,’ she said softly. ‘I’ll see you later.’

Luca left the room and Sharon sighed.

‘That man is seriously gorgeous, Tia.’

‘I know.’

Sharon’s eyes narrowed. ‘You do realise that he’s crazily in love with you, don’t you?’

Tia’s eyes widened and she shook her head. ‘Don’t be ridiculous.’

‘I’m not being ridiculous,’ Sharon said, her tone dry. ‘The man is crazy about you. For goodness’ sake, Tia, why do you think he can’t stay away?’