But what if it came back and she was on her own?

She lingered on the ward for another hour and then decided that she was being ridiculous. After all, she could hardly stay at the hospital all night, could she?

Gathering her belongings from her locker, she said goodbye to the rest of the staff and made her way to the car park.

Maybe a warm bath would relax her, and after that she could prepare some supper for Luca.

At eight o’clock Tia was pottering around the kitchen in her dressing-gown when the phone rang.

It was Luca, of course, telling her that he’d be late.

She replaced the receiver and looked sadly at the casserole which was bubbling temptingly on the top of the cooker.

Every time she tried to cook him a nice meal he missed it, but there was nothing that could be done. She turned the heat off with a resigned sigh, helped herself to a portion and then dropped the plate with a clatter as a sharp pain ripped through her abdomen.

Doubled over and gasping, she struggled over to the kitchen table and flopped into the nearest chair, trying hard not to panic.

It was the same pain she’d felt periodically earlier in the day, only this time it was a thousand times worse. It was as if someone was using knives on her insides. Surely this degree of pain wasn’t normal? She stroked a hand over her stomach, trying to relax herself, talking quietly to the baby. At least she was still feeling plenty of movements and she knew how important that was.

Suddenly she wished desperately that Luca was at home.

Should she phone him? She glanced at her watch, torn between the need for reassurance and guilt at disturbing him. The probability was that she’d be worrying him unnecessarily.

Maybe she’d just see how she felt in half an hour.

He’d promised not to be too late but he’d also mentioned that he had an emergency section to perform so she knew that he wouldn’t be home for a few hours at least.

Tia frowned ruefully at the mess on the kitchen floor. What a waste of casserole! She really ought to clean it up but she was afraid that if she moved the pain might come back.

A glance at the clock on the kitchen wall told her that it was only eight-fifteen. Just a quarter of an hour since Luca had called. Which meant that she needed to fill her time with something or she’d go mad.

Gingerly, still with one hand on her stomach, she stood up, waiting for the pain to tear through her again. Fortunately, it didn’t. It was still there, lurking menacingly in the background, but instead of

stabbing, it seemed to have settled down to a dull sawing that was more bearable.

She walked slowly through to the sitting room and lowered herself carefully onto the sofa, stretching out her legs and breathing steadily. She felt the baby kick against her hand and gave a soft smile. Whatever was happening, it was good to know that he was still all right.

She flicked on the television and became absorbed in a programme on dolphins, settling herself more comfortably on the sofa. Gradually her eyes closed and she drifted off, only dimly aware of the deep voice of the narrator in the background.

She awoke desperate for the bathroom and clumsily manoeuvred herself off the sofa and up the stairs.

The minute she opened the bathroom door she knew she was bleeding and icy rivers of panic trickled down her spine.

Dear God, no. Please, not that…

She needed Luca.

Even as she moaned his name she heard his key in the lock and she sagged with relief and called again, this time loud enough to be heard.

She heard the urgent pounding of his feet on the stairs and then he was beside her, his expression grim as he scanned her pale face.

‘Dio, Tia—you are in pain again?’

She nodded slowly and straightened, trying to catch her breath. ‘Yes, but that’s not all.’ She broke off and gazed up at him, her green eyes deep pools of fear. ‘Luca, I’m bleeding.’

He wrenched his coat off and slung it unceremoniously over the bannister and then steered her towards the chair in the bathroom. ‘Why didn’t you call me?’

She shook her head and bit down on her lower lip, trying not to cry out. ‘I fell asleep. Oh, Luca…’ Tears of panic and pain welled in her eyes and she looked up at him, desperate for reassurance. ‘What’s happening?’