‘How did it feel, Tia, seeing our baby for the first time?’ His eyes were gentle. Huge tears welled up in her eyes and rolled down her cheeks.

‘It was amazing,’ she whispered, a smile breaking out on her face. ‘I hadn’t really thought about the baby as a person until today, but when I saw him wriggling around…’

‘It was very moving,’ Luca agreed, brushing her tears away with a gentle hand. ‘And now maybe it’s time to tell the people you work with that you are pregnant. At least then they are less likely to take advantage of your good nature and overwork you.’

Tia nodded. Suddenly, instead of being an overwhelming problem, the baby was something infinitely precious, to be protected.

‘I suppose I’d better get back to the clinic.’

‘Don’t forget to book yourself in with Dan,’ Luca reminded her, and she smiled.

‘Has anyone ever told you that you’re overbearing?’

Luca gave a smouldering smile. ‘You,’ he murmured in a deep voice. ‘Frequently.’

Just looking into his dark eyes made desire curl deep in her stomach and she forced herself to pull away from him and gather up her things.

She savoured the newly powerful feelings that she had for the baby, marvelling at the way they’d erupted from her heart with no warning. How could she have been so frightened of this baby one minute and so excited the next? It was like a miracle and she snuggled the tender feelings around herself like a blanket.

Suddenly all her fears had gone. She knew that she was going to love this baby because she already loved it. She’d fallen in love with it the moment she’d seen it, just as she had with Luca.


It had been love at first sight.

The moment she’d seen him she’d known that he was the only man for her.

And now, the more she knew of him the more she loved him.

He’d known that she needed to see the baby. He’d known that once it had become real she would love it, and he’d been right.

And she knew that she was going to be a good mother.

Tia spoke to Sharon the next morning. ‘I think it’s time I saw a doctor.’

‘At last.’ Sharon put her hands on her hips and gave a nod of approval. ‘Anyone in mind?’

‘Luca wants Dan Sutherland.’

‘Good choice,’ Sharon said approvingly. ‘He’s the best there is. Not that you have any worries, with Luca hovering in the wings. He’s excellent, Tia. He’s got marvellous instincts. You should have seen him yesterday with this difficult delivery that we had. I’ve never seen anyone so skilled using the ventouse.’

Tia felt a flash of pride. Luca was a very skilled doctor, there was no doubt about that.

‘I’ll talk to the staff in clinic and see if they can arrange for Dan to fit you in right away.’ Sharon picked up the phone and punched in the number, still talking to Tia. ‘I assume this isn’t something you’re trying to keep secret any more?’

Tia shook her head, thinking of Justin Lee. ‘Luca seems to be pretty open about our relationship…’ She told Sharon about the scan and Sharon’s eyes widened.

‘Justin Lee did it himself? My, my, you were honoured.’ She turned her attention back to the phone. ‘Janet? It’s me.’ Quickly she outlined Tia’s situation. ‘So can Dan fit her in this afternoon?’

Tia waited while Sharon finished the conversation and replaced the receiver.

‘No problem.’ Sharon smiled at her friend. ‘He’ll see you at the end of clinic.’

‘Thanks,’ Tia said, getting to her feet. ‘I need to get back down and do some work or poor Janet may not be so accommodating.’

‘Don’t overdo it,’ Sharon said sternly and Tia gave a wry smile.

‘You sound like Luca.’