Eddie shook his head. ‘No way. Not until I know Sue’s going to be all right.’

Tia racked her brains. ‘Wait here.’

She found one of the SCBU nurses and explained the problem. ‘Is your parents’ room free?’

They had a room available for parents with severely sick children.

The nurse frowned. ‘It’s free, but if we have a very ill baby—’

‘Then Eddie will have to move out,’ Tia agreed. ‘But at the moment it’s the only chance the guy has to get some sleep. Please?’

The nurse nodded. ‘I’ll clear it with Sister. Tell him to help himself.’


Tia gave the news to Eddie and helped him settle himself in the small but adequate bedroom.

Then she glanced at her watch and realised that Luca was probably waiting for her downstairs. And they were going to Sharon’s.


THE minute they arrived at Sharon’s, Tia knew it was going to be a difficult evening.

Sharon was obviously dying for an update and barely waited until Luca was out of earshot before asking, ‘Well?’

‘Well, what?’ Tia shrugged out of her coat and hung it in the hallway, one eye on Luca as he strolled through to the sitting room with Richard, Sharon’s husband.

Sexual awareness poured through her veins as she watched Luca sit down on the sofa, stretching long, muscular legs out in front of him with the easy confidence of someone totally at ease with themselves.

He was on call and had dressed smartly in well-cut trousers and a black polo-neck jumper that accentuated his Latin looks.

‘He’s stunning,’ Sharon muttered, following her gaze, and Tia pulled herself together, wishing she was better at hiding her feelings.

‘Looks aren’t important, Shaz.’

And she was fast discovering that there was more to Luca Zattoni than just looks. She’d learned more about him in the past few days than in all the weeks that she’d lived with him in Italy.

‘I want to hear everything.’ Sharon glanced after the men and then gestured towards the kitchen. ‘Come and help me in here. We can talk in peace.’

Tia followed dutifully, her eyes flickering over the various pans boiling on the cooker.

‘Can I do something?’

‘Yes.’ Sharon whipped a pan off the stove and placed it on a mat. ‘You can give me an update on your love life. The suspense is killing me.’

Tia shrugged. ‘There’s nothing to tell. We’re fine.’

‘Fine? What’s that supposed to mean?’ Her friend bustled around the kitchen, warming plates and draining vegetables. ‘I’ve been worrying myself to death all week and all you can say is that you’re fine? Elaborate! Are you talking? Are you sleeping together?’

‘Shaz!’ Tia glanced at the door and prayed that Luca wouldn’t appear. She’d die of embarrassment! ‘Of course we’re not sleeping together. We’re getting to know each other, remember?’

Sharon stared at her. ‘And he was OK with that?’

‘Yes, of course.’ Tia smiled brightly, trying not to think about the level of tension that was steadily building between her and Luca. It was anyone’s guess which one of them was going to explode first.

Sharon lifted a casserole dish out of the oven, obviously unsure what to say. ‘And are you getting to know each other better?’

Tia shifted in her seat. ‘Shaz, it’s only been a few days.’