Suddenly Tia made a decision. ‘Wait there.’

She slipped back into Theatre and walked quickly up to Julie. ‘Can I take the baby for two minutes? If we wrap him up well…’

Julie stared at her. ‘You want to take the baby?’

‘His father doesn’t know whether he’s coming or going,’ Tia told her quickly. ‘I think he needs to see his little boy quickly. Just for a moment.’

Julie frowned. ‘But—’

‘Julie, will it harm the baby if he is well wrapped up for a few minutes?’ Luca’s voice intervened across the theatre. ‘I agree with Tia that it is important. This family have had a terrible shock—they are not prepared for this baby at all. If we’re not careful, we could have bonding problems.’

His dark eyes locked with Tia’s and she knew what he was thinking.

If Sue died, would Eddie blame the child?

‘It should be all right, I suppose.’ Julie gave a nod and wrapped the baby, handing him carefully to Tia. ‘Don’t be long. He needs to be checked out in Special Care.’

‘Hello, sweetheart.’ Tia gazed down at the tiny features of the baby and her heart melted. He looked completely helpless. ‘We’re going to meet your daddy, so be a good boy and don’t let me down.’

Someone opened the door to the anteroom for her and she slipped inside and walked across to Eddie who was sitting with his head in his hands.

‘Someone to meet you, Eddie.’ Taking a chance that her instincts were correct, she laid the tiny bundle on his lap and held her breath.

There was a long silence. Eddie stared wordlessly down at his baby son and then tears started to pour down his cheeks.

‘He’s beautiful,’ he croaked, tightening his grip on the little bundle. ‘So beautiful. How can I possibly blame anything so perfect? I still can’t take it all in—we thought we couldn’t have children.’

He rambled incoherently for a few minutes and Tia slipped an arm around his shoulder.

‘He’s beautiful, Eddie,’ Tia said softly, feeling her own eyes fill as she watched him. ‘A bit small, but the paediatrician thinks he’s doing very well. I don’t suppose you’ve thought of a name?’

‘Oh, yes.’ Eddie gave an embarrassed sniff and gazed down at his son. ‘We always knew what we’d call a little boy. Harry.’

‘That’s lovely.’ Tia’s voice cracked and she cleared her throat. Maybe being pregnant made her more emotional than usual. ‘OK, well, we need to get Harry up to the ward now…’

Julie was hovering in the doorway, keeping a close eye on her charge. ‘Why don’t you come, too, Mr Gibbs? You can stay with him while we settle him in and then go and tell your wife all about him.’

It was hours later when they finally climbed into Luca’s car to drive home.

‘I can’t believe how quickly she fitted,’ Luca said as he reversed the car out of his space. ‘You had an airway in the room, ready? That was quick thinking.’

‘In my pocket,’ Tia murmured. ‘It seemed like a good idea.’

‘It was more than a good idea.’ Luca flicked the indicator and pulled onto the main road. ‘You’re an excellent midwife. How on earth did you manage to put her in the recovery position by yourself?’

Tia shrugged. ‘Panic, I suppose. I kept thinking that if Sue died, the baby would die, too.’ She gave a sigh. ‘Do you think she will die, Luca?’

He pulled a face. ‘I don’t know. She is certainly very sick but I hope that she will be all right.’

‘You were fantastic,’ Tia said softly, a flush touching her cheeks. ‘Really fantastic.’

He glanced at her briefly and his gaze burned into hers. ‘Thank you.’

They arrived at the cottage and Luca pushed open the door. ‘What a day! Go and have a bath and I’ll prepare supper.’

She stifled a grin. ‘Another omelette?’

‘No.’ He shut the front door behind them and walked through to the kitchen. ‘I’m the first to admit that my experience in the kitchen is limited but I arranged to have some shopping delivered today so there should be something simple in the fridge.’