‘SFM?’ Julie looked blank and Sharon grinned as she sailed past.

‘Soppy Family Moment. Definitely to be avoided,’ she advised, grabbing Tia by the arm. ‘Can you go and see how Dawn Henson is doing? The doctors are on their way round and last time I looked she was getting washed.’

Tia found Dawn back on her bed.

‘How are you this morning?’ She settled herself in the chair opposite and glanced into the cot. ‘Fast asleep?’

Dawn rolled her eyes. ‘At last. She’s been awake virtually all night. If anyone wakes her up I’ll strangle them with my bare hands.’

Tia grinned. ‘That bad, huh?’

‘How do mothers ever recover?’ Dawn lay back against the pillows and closed her eyes. ‘I’m shattered.’

Tia’s smile faded. The woman did look tired. ‘Tonight, why not ask the night staff to put her in the nursery for a few hours? They’ll bring her to you when she needs feeding, but it just means that they’ll settle her for you after the feed and you won’t be woken by every snuffle.’

Dawn gave a wan smile. ‘The trouble is, I’ll be woken by everyone else’s babies’ snuffles. I’ve discovered that hospitals are not restful places.’

‘That’s true, but we can certainly give it a go.’ Tia glanced up and felt her heart turn over as Luca strode down the ward with the rest of the team. ‘I think the doctors want to take a look at you.’

Dawn struggled to sit up but Luca stopped her with a wave of his hand. ‘Don’t move. Just tell me how you feel.’

‘All right, I suppose.’ Dawn blushed slightly. ‘A bit sore.’

Luca nodded and then questioned her quietly about her blood loss and asked if she’d had any pain.

Just as Dawn finished answering the baby woke and started to bawl.

‘Oh, I don’t believe it.’ Dawn gave a horrified groan. ‘I’d only just got her off. She can’t be hungry.’

‘Perhaps she just needs a hug?’ Luca lifted an eyebrow towards Dawn, seeking permission to pick the baby up, and she nodded.

‘Be my guest. I think my arms are too tired to hold her.’

Luca scooped the bawling bundle up carefully and tucked her expertly on his shoulder.

‘Did you hear your mama?’ His voice was deep and gentle as he spoke to the baby. ‘She says that you cannot possibly be hungry, so maybe you just had a bad dream, hmm?’

Ignoring the rest of his colleagues, who were looking at him in amazement, he switched to Italian and talked quietly to the baby, his voice softening as the baby’s eyes started to close again.

Within moments the baby was asleep again, lulled by his deep voice and the soothing touch of his hands.

Carefully he laid her back in the cot and smiled at the mother. ‘Hopefully you can now have five minutes’ peace.’

Dawn was wide eyed with amazement. ‘How did you do that? Thank you.’

‘Prego.’ Luca inclined his head and then issued some instructions to Dr Ford who was looking as elegant as ever.

Tia watched them move on to the next patient and held back a sigh.

‘He is truly gorgeous,’ Dawn muttered, shifting herself into a more comfortable position. ‘I tell you, I would have swapped places with my daughter if I could! I wonder what it would be like to have a man like that run his hands over you and speak to you in Italian.’

Tia stared after Luca’s broad shoulders and felt her insides twist.

She knew exactly what it felt like.


‘Tia?’ Julie walked up, stethoscope looped around her neck. ‘I’ve checked baby Adams and she’s fine. As far as I’m concerned, they can go home.’