‘Either that or he had a permanent headache. Goodnight, cara. Sleep well.’

Tia had trouble concentrating at work next day. All she could think about was Luca. He just seemed to take it for granted that their relationship would carry on.

‘Is everything OK?’ Sharon looked at her with concern. ‘You’re terribly pale, Tia.’

Tia summoned up a smile. She’d been sick again that morning but, fortunately for her, Luca had obviously still been asleep because this time she had the bathroom to herself.

‘I’m fine,’ she lied. ‘Just a little tired. Where do you want me today?’

‘On Postnatal for the time being. They’re terribly busy, courtesy of all the deliveries yesterday.’ Sharon moved closer and lowered her voice. ‘Let’s grab a coffee later if we get the chance.’

They didn’t.

Tia didn’t stop all morning, moving from one woman to another, performing daily checks and helping with feeding.

Fiona Adams was doing well and looking forward to going home.

‘I’m just waiting for the paediatrician to come and check Megan,’ she told Tia with a smile. ‘Then we’re on our way.’

‘That’s great. And how’s the feeding going?’

‘Great. My milk has come in now and my boobs have trebled in size.’ Fiona fished out an enormous bra from her bag and waved it at Tia. ‘Look at that! Have you ever seen anything less sexy?’

Tia grinned. ‘Well, it’s not really designed to be sexy. It’s designed to be practical and give you support.’

Mike, Fiona’s husband, arrived at that moment, carrying a suitcase, and he laughed at the sight of the offending bra.

‘You always said you wanted plastic surgery, love—now you know that all you needed was a baby.’

‘All?’ Fiona pretended to look offended. ‘I’ll have you know that your “all” kept me awake for most of the night. Did you bring the car seat?’

> ‘Of course.’ Mike looked at her patiently. ‘Would I really have forgotten that? I couldn’t carry everything at once, so it’s still in the car.’

Fiona chewed her fingernails anxiously. ‘It will be funny, being at home. Who will I talk to when I have a problem?’

‘The community midwife will call until she’s happy that you’re fine and then there’s the health visitor,’ Tia told her, checking that she had all the telephone numbers. ‘And if it’s the middle of the night then you can always call us here.’

At that moment Megan woke up and started to yell.

‘No!’ Fiona stared at the baby, appalled. ‘She can’t possibly be hungry again! I’ve been feeding her for most of the night. She’ll pop.’

‘A breastfed baby doesn’t always feed at regular times,’ Tia reminded her, bending over the cot to scoop the baby up into her arms. ‘Sometimes it might feel as though they’re feeding non-stop, but don’t forget that they regulate their own milk supply. The more they feed, the more you produce, so if she starts feeding a lot then you know that you’re going to start making more for her.’

Fiona groaned. ‘Well, there’s no way I’m buying a bigger bra.’

‘You can’t. They don’t come any bigger than that one,’ Mike joked, his smile fading as he saw the expression on his wife’s face. ‘Sorry, sorry. You look great, love.’

Tia smiled and placed Megan gently in Fiona’s arms. ‘There you go.’

‘Thanks.’ Fiona’s eyes misted. ‘Look at that little nose.’

Mike bent over the pair of them and Tia made her excuses and left them in peace.

On her way out of the bay she bumped into Julie Douglas, the paediatric registrar.

‘Baby Adams…?’

‘In there…’ Tia waved a hand. ‘But they’re having a SFM at the moment so I’d go and have a cup of tea.’