‘I think that’s probably a rather limp description of what happens between you and I, cara mia.’ His eyes dropped to her mouth and she felt her heart rate increase rapidly in response to his gaze. ‘I have a suggestion about our relationship.’

She licked dry lips. ‘What?’

‘You say that we got involved too quickly.’ His eyes returned to hers and held them. ‘That you don’t really know me.’

‘That’s right.’ Her voice was little more than a whisper. ‘The physical side just overwhelmed everything.’

Including common sense.

His eyes darkened slightly and she knew he was remembering just how good it had been between them.

‘You were very inexperienced so I can see how that might have been the case. So what I suggest,’ he said roughly, ‘is that we start again. Slow things down. Take time to get to know each other.’

She stared at him, her breathing rapid as she listened to him. He was seriously suggesting that they carry on their relationship?

What about Luisa?

‘I—I don’t know, Luca,’ she said, raking her hair away from her forehead with shaking fingers. ‘I need to think about it.’

‘There’s nothing to think about,’ he said smoothly, walking back across the room and standing in front of her. As always, he was supremely confident and sure of himself. ‘You yourself said that we don’t know each other well enough, so let’s put that right. Spending some time together will show us whether we can truly love each other or not. We owe it to our child to at least find that out.’

She winced at the cold brutality of his words. She already knew that he didn’t love her, of course, but hearing him spell it out hurt more than she possibly could have imagined.

‘Tia?’ His firm tone made her glance up and she realised that he was waiting for her to say something.

And she didn’t know what to say.

She loved Luca, she knew that, and she wanted to be with him, but not if he didn’t want to be with her. Not if he only wanted their relationship to work because of the baby.

She lifted her chin. ‘It wouldn’t work.’

A muscle worked in his jaw and he took a deep breath. ‘Think about it, Tia.’ He glanced at his watch. ‘You’ve had a long day and you need to get some more sleep now. Are you intending to work another early shift tomorrow?’

‘Yes.’ Tia nodded slowly, still trying to work out what she was going to do. She could ask him about Luisa, of course, but then she’d never know whether he would have told her himself given time.

‘I’ll take you to work,’ he told her, the expression in his eyes suggesting that he wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

‘All right.’ What choice did she have? Her bike was at the hospital.

His eyes narrowed. ‘Now, go upstairs and relax in a warm bath. You need an early night or you’ll be sick again.’

Too tired to argue, Tia slithered off the sofa and caught the blanket as it slipped to the floor.

‘Are you planning to spend the night here again?’

‘Of course.’ His brows clashed in a frown, as if he was surprised that she should even ask the question. ‘You’re expecting my baby and you don’t seem to be able to go through an entire day without vomiting and collapsing on me. There’s no way I’m leaving you on your own.’

She stared at him, knowing that she should insist that he leave, but somehow unable to form the words. Having him in the cottage with her was strangely reassuring.

And unsettling.

‘Well, if you’re staying another night, you can use the spare room,’ she said, knowing that she sounded ungracious but unable to help herself.

‘Your generosity is overwhelming,’ he drawled in response, but the corner of his firm mouth twitched slightly. ‘I’ll just remember not to stand up straight in the night or I’ll be the one who’s unconscious. The ceilings in this house are unbelievable. How tall is the average English man?’

Tia glanced at his powerful frame and then wished that she hadn’t. There was nothing average about Luca Zattoni. He was overwhelmingly male, and aware of his own sexuality.

‘Obviously the owner of this house wasn’t very tall,’ she said lamely, and he smiled. A slow, sexy grin that reminded her of all the reasons she’d fallen for him so heavily.