‘I’m saying that I will take full responsibility for him.’

‘You’re…threatening to take my son from me?’

‘Offering,’ Santo interjected smoothly, watching her face closely. ‘Offering, not threatening. And if you want to see him then of course that can be arranged.’

Her breathing was shallow. ‘You think I want to give him away?’

‘You can have your life back. And given that I’m prepared to sweeten the deal with a significant financial incentive, it could be a very comfortable life. It’s a generous offer. Take it. You’d never have to work again.’

She lifted her hands to her cheeks and gave a choked laugh. ‘You really don’t know anything about me, do you? I love my son, and if you truly believe for a moment that I’d give him to you on any terms then you have no idea who you’re dealing with.’ Her hands dropped to her sides. Clenched into fists. ‘There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to protect my child.’

Unmoved by the anger in her eyes, Santo nodded. ‘Your mother would have taken the money and run. It’s to your credit that you didn’t do the same.’

‘So this was some sort of test?’ She gave a moan of disgust. ‘You’re sick, do you know that?’

‘Our child’s future is at stake. There is nothing I wouldn’t do to protect him. If protecting him means offending you, I’ll do that too.’ He threw her own words back at her and she wrapped her arms around herself.

‘I am not my mother. I will never leave Luca.’

‘In that case we will find another solution.’ And there was only one that he could see. He consoled himself with the fact that at least she was making an effort to fight for her child.

‘Do you think I haven’t searched for one?’ Her raw tone exposed layers of despair. ‘There is no solution. I don’t want him shuttled between us. I don’t want him absorbing all the bad feeling that runs between our families. He’s been brought up in an atmosphere of happiness and calm.’

‘Knowing your grandfather, I find that impossible to believe.’

‘My grandfather has stuck to my rules.’

Santo frowned. ‘More rules?’

‘Yes. From the moment Luca was born, I insisted that any mention of the name Ferrara in our house had to be positive. I didn’t want my son growing up in the same poisonous atmosphere I experienced.’

Genuinely surprised, Santo lifted his eyebrows. ‘And how did you achieve this miracle of good behaviour?’

‘I threatened to take his grandson away unless he agreed to my terms.’

If he’d been surprised before, he was shocked now. So she was stronger than she looked, then. ‘Ingenious.’

‘You will abide by the same rule. You will not speak badly about my family in front of Luca. If you can’t say anything nice, then you don’t mention us. When he spends time with you I want to be confident that you are not denigrating my family and I will know because right now Luca is like a recording device. He repeats everything he hears.’

Fascinated that so much passion could be trapped in such a small package and reluctantly impressed at her steadfast refusal to involve herself in the Baracchi/Ferrara hostilities, Santo took his time to respond.

‘Firstly,’ he said softly, ‘the bad feeling was all on your side. We made several overtures, all of which were rejected. Secondly, you will know what I am saying to Luca because you will be there to hear it in person. Thirdly, our families will be merged, so all this ceases to be relevant.’

‘Merged?’ Nervous, she pushed her hair back from her face. ‘You mean because Luca belongs to both of us?’

‘I mean because I intend to marry you.’

Silence spread across the room.

For a moment he wondered if she’d actually heard him.

Then she made a strange sound in her throat and took a step backwards.

‘Marry you?’ Her voice was barely audible. ‘You have to be joking.’

‘Relish the moment, tesoro. Up until now, women have waited in vain for a proposal of marriage from me.’

She looked as if she’d suffered a major shock. ‘You’re proposing.’