Page 104 of One Summer in Paris

“Delicious. Thanks.”

Marc laughed. “I’ll fetch you another.”

She wanted to tell him not to bother, but Etienne waved him away.

The alcohol made everything seem lighter and brighter.

“Is there any food?”

“No. Just drink.” Etienne seemed amused by the question and she didn’t want to look like a killjoy, so she laughed, too, even though she was cursing herself for not eating something substantial before she left her apartment.

It wasn’t as if she didn’t have experience in handling alcohol. She was always trying to force her mother to eat to dilute the effects.

Etienne lifted her hair, kissed the side of her neck and said something to her in French.

She closed her eyes. “I have no idea what you’re saying, but whatever it is it sounds good.” Someone shoved past them, slamming them closer together.

Etienne pulled her closer, shielding her. “I’m telling you you’re beautiful.”

As the crowd thickened, they were squashed together against the wall. “I only have your word for that.” She slid her arms around him. “You could be saying anything. You could be saying ‘your bum looks big in those jeans,’ but I’d never know.”

He cupped her face in his hands. “You look incredible in those jeans.”

His mouth touched hers and everything around her faded. There was only the throb of her pulse, the slide of his tongue and the stroke of his hands.

When he finally lifted his head, she felt dizzy.

The summer heat pumped through the open windows and she felt the prickle of sweat on her skin. Her mouth was dry, and she felt thirstier than she ever had in her life.

Marc appeared with more drinks.

He raised his eyebrow when he saw her still holding her glass. “Drink up!”

She drank and for some reason it didn’t taste so bad this time. At least it was fluid.

Marc exchanged her empty glass for a full one.

Audrey took it. It wasn’t what she’d asked for, but what the hell? Drinking for one night wasn’t going to hurt, was it?

She wondered what Grace was doing and whether her dinner was going well.

Then she thought about her mother, but that ruined her happy mood so she stopped wondering.

She’d call tomorrow, and if she didn’t get an answer she’d call Ron. Technically, he was her stepdad now. She was allowed to call him.

She drank and danced and then she and Etienne moved to the back of the room where it wasn’t so crowded. The doors were open into a little courtyard garden. Fairy lights were strung around plants and pots.

“It’s like a scene from A Midsummer Night’s Dream, don’t you think?” Etienne took a mouthful of beer.

Audrey had never seen A Midsummer Night’s Dream and hadn’t read it, either, but for once it didn’t seem to matter. Her brain was probably numbed by vodka. Every time she tried to sip slowly, Marc appeared by her side and topped up her drink.

“It’s a pretty garden.”

“You want to take a walk?”

No, she didn’t want to walk. Her head was swimming and her feet hurt. She was beginning to wish she hadn’t chosen vanity over comfort. They made her legs look long, but after an hour of dancing her feet felt as if they’d been chewed by a great white shark.

On the other hand the garden was small and maybe fresh air would be good. “Sure. But I’m pretty thirsty after all that dancing. Is there any water? I keep asking Marc, and he just brings me more vodka.”