Page 41 of Summer Kisses

She’d thought up a million reasons for the fact that he hadn’t come near her, but in the end she’d run out of reasons. And still he hadn’t disturbed her solitude.

And she couldn’t blame him for that, could she? Not after she’d made it perfectly clear that she’d be embarrassed to be caught with him. It was hardly surprising that he was now avoiding her and she wished she’d done everything differently.

She had no backbone.

She was pathetic.

‘Well?’ Angela peered down at her. ‘You’ve been staring at my leg for ages, dear. Is something wrong?’

‘No, nothing,’ Flora said quickly, and Angela nodded.

‘If you’re worried, perhaps I should make an appointment with Conner.’

Remembering how fast Angela had run from Conner just a couple of weeks ago, Flora gave a faint smile. That was the other reason she was finding it hard to put him out of her head. Everywhere she went, people were talking about Conner. And he treated their attention with as much careless indifference as he’d treated their disregard.

‘Your leg is looking much better, Mrs Parker. The inflammation has settled and I think it’s healing now. Keep up the good work.’

And she had to pull herself together and accept the person she was. She just wasn’t someone who could cavort half-naked in the moonlight with the island bad boy. She cared too much what people thought.

And that was why a relationship between her and Conner would never work.

She cared. And Conner didn’t give a damn. The more he shocked people, the happier he was.

Even that night on the beach had probably just been a game to him, seeing if his seduction skills were good enough to persuade boring old Flora to kiss him.

He wasn’t interested in anything more, and she couldn’t blame him for that.

She was boring Flora, wasn’t she? The type of girl who kept her knickers on even when she swam in the sea at night.

Not the sort of girl who would hold Conner MacNeil’s attention for more than two minutes.

Trying to block out Angela’s endless chatter, Flora finished the dressing, washed her hands, completed her notes and saw the woman to the door.

Then she went across and tapped on Logan’s door. ‘How’s Evanna?’

‘Still pregnant. No change. She’s going to the mainland for a check at the end of the week.’

‘And presumably you can go with her now, given that the entire population of Glenmore thinks that Conner walks on water.’

‘I know. It’s brilliant. Overnight my life has changed.’ He smiled at her. ‘I actually managed to have breakfast with my wife and daughter this morning. Conner should be a hero more often. I could resign and grow my own vegetables.’

‘I’m so pleased it’s all worked out. His surgery is so full now Janet’s having to turn people away.’

‘Conner’s a good doctor.’

‘Yes.’ She thought of him with Lily. His sure touch. His skill. His incredible focus when the entire world around him had been panicking.

And then she thought of his kiss. Equally sure and skilled. Did he do everything well?

She gave a little shiver and Logan glanced at her.

‘Are you all right? You’re a bit pale.’

‘I’m fine. Absolutely fine.’ Just confused. Frustrated. Out of her depth. She’d never felt like this before and she didn’t know what to do about it. Her previous relationships had been boringly uncomplicated. She’d been out with two men and neither of them had caused this degree of turbulence to her insides. ‘Tell Evanna to call me if she needs anything.’

‘I’ll do that.’ Logan studied her closely. ‘Are you sure you’re all right?’

‘Really, I’m fine,’ Flora lied. ‘Just a little tired.’