Page 114 of Summer Kisses

Shaking now, Jenna reached for the waistband of his jeans and felt his abdomen clench against her fingers. She fumbled ineptly for a few moments, and then his hand closed around her wrist.

‘Wait—God, I can’t believe the way you make me feel.’

She moaned and pressed her mouth back to his, their breath mingling. ‘I want to—’

With obvious difficulty he dragged his mouth from hers. ‘I know you do, and so do I, but this time I really don’t want to be disturbed—how long is Lexi out for? Is she going to be back in the next few hours?’

‘Lexi?’ Disorientated, Jenna stared at him for a moment, and then shook her head and rubbed her fingers over her forehead, trying to switch off the response of her body so that she could think clearly. ‘Lexi.’ She felt as though her personality had been split down the middle—mother and woman. ‘She’s out, but—What on earth am I doing?’ Realising that she was virtually naked, Jenna quickly retrieved her tee shirt from the floor, but she was shaking so much that she couldn’t turn it the right way round.

‘I wish I hadn’t said anything.’ His tone rough, Ryan removed it gently from her hands, turned it the right way round and pulled it carefully over her head. ‘I just didn’t want her walking in on us.’

‘No. And it’s ridiculous. This whole thing is ridiculous—I’m—And you’re—’

He raised an eyebrow. ‘Is there any chance of you actually finishing a sentence, because I have no idea what you’re thinking.’

‘I’m thinking that this is crazy.’ Jenna straightened the tee shirt and flipped her hair free. ‘I’m thinking that I don’t do things like this.’

‘That doesn’t mean you can’t. You hadn’t owned a dog or eaten fish until a month ago.’

She gave a hysterical laugh. ‘Having sex is slightly different to getting a dog or eating fish.’

‘I should hope so. If a few hours in my bed is on a par with eating fish or getting a dog, I’ll give up sex.’

‘That would be a terrible waste, because you’re obviously very good at it.’ Jenna slammed her hand over her mouth and stared at him, appalled. ‘I can’t believe I just said that.’

But he was laughing, his blue eyes bright with humour. ‘I love the way you say what you think.’

‘What I think is that I don’t know what you’re doing here with me.’ With an embarrassed laugh, she yanked the tee shirt down, covering herself. ‘I’m not some nubile twenty-year-old. I’m a mother and I’m thirty-three…’ The words died in her throat as he covered her mouth with his fingers.

‘You’re incredibly sexy.’

Staring up into his cool blue eyes, Jenna gulped, still coming to terms with the feelings he’d uncovered. He’d had his hands on her, and as for his mouth…An earthquake could have hit and she wouldn’t have noticed. In fact, she felt as though an earthquake had hit.

Everything about her world had changed and it was hard to keep her balance.

But she had to. She couldn’t afford the luxury of acting on impulse. She wasn’t a teenager.

Thinking of teenagers made her groan and close her eyes.

‘Ryan, what are you doing here?’ She jabbed her fingers into her hair, horrified by what could have happened. ‘We could have—Lexi might have—’

‘I saw her leave. And before you panic, no, she didn’t see me. I stayed out of the way until she’d disappeared over the horizon. Given the way she guards you, I thought it was wise. She obviously doesn’t see her mother as a living, breathing sexual woman.’

‘That’s because I’m not. I’m not like this. This isn’t me.’

‘Maybe it is you.’ His eyes lingered on her mouth. ‘Do you want to find out?’

Her heart bumped hard. ‘I can’t. I have responsibilities.’

‘Talking of which, did she give you a hard time about last night?’

‘She started to say something and then decided that she’d imagined it all. Thanks to Evanna. But—I’m sorry about last night. I was going to apologise to you.’

‘Don’t.’ His mouth was so close to hers that it was impossible to concentrate.

‘You must be furious with me for embarrassing you in public—’

His hand was buried in her hair, his lips moving along her jaw. ‘Do I seem furious?’ His mouth was warm and clever, and Jenna felt her will-power strained to the limit.