Page 36 of Summer Kisses

‘So if it’s that easy and you care so little, why haven’t you come home before now?’

‘Good question.’ He was silent for a moment and then he laughed. ‘Perceptive, aren’t you? Yes, I suppose I’m back here because I wanted to see how it felt to be home.’


‘It feels every bit as bad as I thought it would.’ He spoke calmly and turned his head to look at her. ‘So now I’ve spilled my guts, what happens next? I cry into your soft bosom and get in touch with my feelings?’

‘In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m pretty flat-chested so that won’t work.’ She kept her tone light because she sensed that was what he wanted. ‘I suppose I just want you to know that, well, that I’m a friend—if you need one.’

‘A flat-chested friend.’ He gave a slow smile. ‘I’ve never had one of those before. Do you know what I really fancy right now?’

Her heart thumped wildly. ‘I hardly dare ask.’

‘A cigarette.’

It wasn’t what she’d wanted him to say and she let out a breath, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. Drop the fantasies, Flora. ‘I didn’t know you smoked.’

‘I don’t. At least, not for years. I just need something to relieve the tension. I’ll have to find another way.’

Flora stiffened. He was talking about sex, she knew he was. And there was no doubt in her mind that there were any number of women on Glenmore who would be only too delighted to offer him the distraction he wanted.

And he was stuck on the beach with her.

Boring Flora.

He looked at her. ‘I suppose it’s a waste of time asking if you have any cigarettes?’

‘Complete waste of time,’ she said lightly. Boring, staid Flora.

‘Anything to drink?’

‘I have a small bottle of mineral water in my bag.’

‘Mineral water?’ He laughed. ‘You really know how to live, don’t you? Nothing like a few minerals to get a person into a party mood. Tell me, Flora Harris, what do you do to release tension? Read a chapter of War and Peace?’

She smiled. ‘If I can’t sail, then I swim.’

‘You swim?’

‘In the sea. Every morning. I love it. It relaxes me.’

‘You take your clothes off?’

‘No, I swim in my uniform.’ Flora glanced at him in amusement. ‘Of course I take my clothes off. What did you think?’

‘I’ve no idea. I’ve made a point of never picturing you without clothes on.’


His eyes narrowed. ‘If you’re taking that as an insult then you’re even more naïve than I think you are.’

‘I’m not naïve.’

‘Yes, you are. The reason I don’t picture you without clothes is because then I’ll start thinking about you in a way that would make Logan punch me.’

Her heart was racing. ‘Logan isn’t my keeper.’

‘Good point.’ He rose to his feet and tugged her up beside him. ‘Come on, then, Flora Harris. We’ll try the swim. See if it works.’