Page 111 of Summer Kisses

‘From what I’ve heard you were fantastic—a real Glenmore nurse.’ Evanna was generous with her praise. ‘We’re expected to be able to turn our hands to pretty much anything. People are already singing your praises all over the island.’ She tucked her hand through Jenna’s arm, leading her back across the beach as if they’d been friends for ever. ‘Word travels fast in this place. How are your feet?’

Jenna glanced down and realised that she’d forgotten she wasn’t wearing shoes. ‘Sore. I need to find my sandals.’ Her face was burning and she didn’t dare look round to see where Ryan was. Hiding, probably—afraid of the desperate divorcee who had tried to attack him. As for Lexi, she still wasn’t smiling, but the scowl had left her features. Which presumably meant that Evanna’s explanation had satisfied her.

‘Your Lexi is so brilliant with the children.’ Evanna led her back to the food and heaped potato salad on a plate. ‘Logan—find something delicious for Jenna. She’s earned it.’

Jenna accepted the food, even though the last thing she felt like was eating. She just wanted to go home and work out what she was going to say to Ryan next time she saw him on his own.

She had to apologise. She had to explain that she had absolutely no idea what had happened to her. Yes, she’d got a dog, she ate fish three times a week and she’d drunk beer from a bottle, but kissing a man in public…

Lexi flic

ked her hair away from her face. ‘I’m off to play volleyball.’ With a final glance in her direction, her daughter sauntered off across the sand towards Fraser, who was laughing with a friend, a can of cola in his hand. ‘See you later.’

Jenna wanted to leave, but she knew that would draw attention to herself, and she’d already attracted far too much attention for one evening. Even without turning her head she was painfully aware of Ryan talking to Logan, discussing the air ambulance.

She wondered whether she should request that the air ambulance come back for her when they’d finished. She felt as though she needed it.

‘Have a drink.’ Clearly reading her mind, Evanna pushed a large glass of wine into her hand. ‘And don’t look so worried. Everything is fine. You and Ryan were a great team.’

Jenna managed a smile, but all she could think was, Why am I feeling like this?

She had to forget him. She had to forget that kiss.

Thank goodness tomorrow was Sunday and she didn’t have to work. She had a whole day to talk some sense into herself.


10 reasons why I shouldn’t fall in love with Ryan:

I’ve been divorced less than a year

I am too old

I’m ordinary and he is a sex god

Being with him puts me off my food

I have Lexi to think of

I need to act my age

I have to work with the man

He’ll hurt me

I’m not his type


Jenna dropped the pen before number ten and flipped the envelope over. ‘I’m in the kitchen. You’re up early.’ Too early. Deciding that she couldn’t hide the envelope without looking suspicious, Jenna slammed her mug of tea on it and smiled brightly. ‘I was expecting you to sleep in.’

‘I was hungry, and anyway I’m meeting the gang.’ Yawning, Lexi tipped cereal into a bowl and added milk. ‘You’re up early, too.’

‘I had things to do.’ Like making a list of reasons why she shouldn’t be thinking of Ryan.

Her head throbbing and her eyelids burning from lack of sleep, Jenna stood up and filled the kettle, bracing herself for the awkward questions she’d been dreading all night. ‘You normally want to lie in bed.’

‘That’s only during term time, when there’s nothing to get up for except boring old school.’ Lexi frowned at her and then eyed the mug on the envelope. ‘Why are you making tea when you haven’t drunk the last one?’