Inside the villa he kicked the door shut behind him and brought his mouth down on hers with a ferocity that made her gasp in ecstasy.

Without a second’s hesitation he relieved her of her dress and dealt with her silk panties with similar speed.

Breathing heavily, their mouths clashed again in a wild, frantic kiss, tongues tangling, breath mingling as they attacked each other with the passion that characterised their whole relationship.

With a swift movement he kicked off his own shorts and lowered her to the floor.

She gasped as the cool marble touched her skin and then cried out as she felt his fingers slide between her thighs.


‘You’re so wet for me already,’ he said thickly, shifting her under him and entering her with a hard thrust that made her sob with pleasure. He plunged into her with an expert rhythm, the slick, heated glide of his flesh inside and against hers driving her skywards.

It was so fast and intense that when it was over Lauranne lay in shock, unable to believe what she’d just done.

Zander obviously felt the same way.

‘Remind me to tell Kouropoulos that he needs to redesign these villas,’ he groaned, wincing as he rolled onto his back. ‘Marble is not very comfortable.’

‘The bedroom was only a few metres away,’ she pointed out huskily and he pulled a face.

‘Too far. I wanted you on the beach. This was a compromise.’

As her breathing slowed she rolled to face him, ‘Are you injured? I could give you the kiss of life.’ She grinned mischievously and he groaned.

‘No, don’t touch me, you witch!’ He sprang to his feet and dragged her with him. ‘We’re going to spend the afternoon in the pool. Cold water should do the trick.’

Privately Lauranne thought it was going to take a great deal more than cold water to subdue the way she felt about him, but she was careful not to share those thoughts.

Instead she walked through to the bedroom, changed into a bikini, and met him by the pool.

‘This is gorgeous.’ The pool was a perfect oval of tempting blue, totally private and surrounded by colourful pots of geraniums. ‘Do all the villas have their own pools?’

Zander nodded. ‘I think so. Kouropoulos developed this bit of the island as an up-market resort for families. Each villa is state-of-the-art in terms of design and equipment. There are several private beaches, water sports and nannies to look after the children. Basically all the ingredients for a perfect family holiday.’

Lauranne sat on the edge of the pool and dipped her toes in the water. ‘Mmm. That feels so nice.’ Her smile faltered slightly as she glanced up and saw him stripping down to a pair of swimming trunks. Deciding that a swim was called for, she slid into the water and swam to the other side of the pool.

Zander dived in and caught up with her, crossing the pool in powerful strokes, his handsome face glistening with water as he surfaced next to her.

He dragged her against him and she felt the heat of his body contrasting with the cool of the water.

Hating herself for being so responsive to him, Lauranne placed a hand in the middle of his chest, trying to keep some distance between them. ‘Why do you think Kouropoulos invited you here and then vanished?’

Zander shrugged, his eyes on her mouth. ‘I really have no idea, and frankly I don’t care. I’m enjoying the rest.’

‘You haven’t had much rest yet,’ Lauranne teased and he gave her the sexiest smile she’d ever seen.

‘Want to go back to bed?’

‘No!’ Her hunger for him appalled her, but she knew that it was all linked with the way she felt about him. And it was becoming harder and harder not to tell him.

* * *

They dined on their terrace, overlooking the pool and the beach, drinking wine and talking until darkness fell and the pool was lit by tiny lights spaced around the private garden.

The atmosphere was perfect and Zander was astonishingly good company, making her laugh with his dry observations about his business competitors and making her think and argue as he expressed his views on foreign affairs.

Enjoying herself hugely, Lauranne remembered just why she’d fallen so heavily under his spell five years earlier.