‘We’d love to,’ Mariana said.

‘When would you like to come?’

Angelo looked at Mariana and mouthed, Tomorrow? At her nod, he asked, ‘Is tomorrow too early? Just that we’re dying to fill in the gaps. Plus my grandfather’s not in the best of health and I want to make as much progress as I can while he’s—’ He steeled himself. ‘While he’s still able to hear the story.’

‘Oh, absolutely. I would, too, in your shoes. I’ll have a rummage and see what I can dredge out. Which years are you looking at, again?’

‘1862 and 1863 are the key ones,’ Mariana said. ‘Any mention of Domenico Carulli and Alice.’

‘Right. I’ll see what we have.’ She gave them the address. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow. About ten?’

‘That’s perfect. Thank you. Would you like me to email over a photograph of the painting and the sketch of the woman we think is Alice?’

‘That would be fabulous. Yes, please.’ She gave them her email address. ‘I look forward to meeting you both.’

‘Let’s hope the last bit of the puzzle is in her papers,’ Mariana said. ‘I’d like to know if our theory was right.’

‘And that Alice and Robert were happy together,’ Angelo added. ‘As I hope we’ll be.’ He paused. ‘So. We’re officially together.’

She smiled. ‘We are indeed.’

‘You’ve met Nonno, but I’d like to introduce you to Mamma, Cammie, Ed and Serafina.’

‘You need to meet my family, too.’ She looked at him. ‘Today’s Wednesday. It’s my evening with Olly. Maybe I could ring Sophie and change it slightly—if you’d like to meet everyone tonight?’

‘I’d love that,’ he said. ‘And perhaps you could meet everyone in Florence at the weekend.’

‘That’d be wonderful,’ she said.

* * *

Sophie was more than happy to change the evening’s plans when Mariana video-called her. ‘Whatever Mum and Dad are doing, they won’t mind moving it for you. I can’t believe you’re... Well. You look happier than I’ve seen you in a very long time.’

‘I am,’ Mariana said softly.

‘I have to admit I’m a bit nervous,’ Angelo said when they went to her sister’s house later that evening. ‘I’ve worked on multi-million-pound mergers, but meeting your family feels a lot more daunting.’

‘Just be yourself,’ she said with a smile.

Olly opened the door to them. ‘Auntie Mari! Mum, Mum, Auntie Mari’s here!’ He gave her a massive hug, then looked at Angelo and bit his lip.

Angelo, guessing that either the boy had been told not to talk to strangers or he was wary because Eric hadn’t been very child-friendly, crouched down. ‘Hello. My name’s Angelo, and I’m your auntie’s friend.’

The little boy looked to Mariana for guidance, and she nodded, miming a handshake.

Olly put his hand out to shake Angelo’s. ‘Hello,’ he said. Then he frowned. ‘Angelo’s a funny name.’

‘That’s because it’s an Italian name. I’m half-Italian,’ Angelo explained. ‘And your auntie tells me that you love stories about my country.’ He produced a book from his pocket. ‘And she tells me this is the next book in the series you’re reading. Perhaps I can read a bit of the first chapter with you?’

‘Cool!’ Olly said, grinning. Then his face fell as he remembered his manners. ‘I mean, thank you.’

Angelo grinned. ‘“Cool” is fine by me.’

He’d brought flowers, wine and chocolates for Sophie and Laurence, but managed about three sentences before Olly talked him into reading a bit of the new story and building a complicated train set instead of chatting in the kitchen with all the adults.

‘And,’ Olly continued, ‘I know some great jokes.’

‘I know. Mariana showed me the one you sent her about the cow,’ Angelo said.

‘That’s my favourite joke ever.’ Olly grinned. ‘What does a cow with no lips say?’

And he fell into peals of laughter when Angelo grinned back and said, ‘Oo!’