‘When I’ve finished my PhD? I’d like to keep working on Hidden Treasure for as long as the programme runs. I’d like to teach part-time. And I’d love to work on Carulli’s catalogue raisonné and update it, once we’ve sorted out your grandfather’s paperwork.’ She paused. ‘Why? Were you going to offer me a job?’
‘Setting up the gallery? To be honest, I haven’t thought that far ahead,’ he said. ‘My focus is on getting that painting authenticated, so Nonno can—’ He stopped abruptly.
* * *
Die happy. Mariana knew what Angelo wasn’t saying, and how much it must be hurting him. She’d been there herself. She reached over and laid her hand briefly on his in a gesture of fellow feeling. ‘I’m sorry. I know how hard it is, watching someone you love fade and not being able to do anything. Though you are doing something for your grandfather. You’re giving him vindication, and I promise I’ll do my best to help you.’
‘Is that why you do Hidden Treasure?’ he asked.
She nodded. ‘It’s not very nice on the occasions when we have to disappoint people, but most of the people on the show don’t care about the monetary value of the artwork. It’s about having their painting accepted by the experts—some of whom can be really stuffy. I guess it’s kind of helping the underdog, and that’s really satisfying.’ She paused. ‘What about you?’
‘My grand career plan? I’m a partner now, so I guess I’m working towards being a senior partner. I like what I do. It’s about fairness and making sure any employees get looked after properly if the firm they work for is merged with another or bought out.’
‘So you tend to work for the underdog, too,’ she said.
‘In a way,’ he agreed.
Mariana was still on her quest to get to know him better. He’d told her almost nothing about himself. She knew he was divorced, and it had clearly been messy because he avoided talking about it. He didn’t want children. So what did he want? she wondered. What made his heart beat faster? His work? ‘Did you always want to be a lawyer?’ she asked.
‘Just like my dad. Yes.’ He smiled. ‘Dad was your archetypal quiet and serious lawyer. He and Mamma were complete opposites—but I think he made her feel grounded, and she... Well, he always said he fell in love with her voice. He’d gone to the opera for a corporate thing, and expected to hate it—but it was the Flute. Mamma’s famous for her role as the Queen of the Night. There was a party afterwards, he met her along with the rest of the cast, and he proposed a week later at sunset at the top of Primrose Hill.’
‘That’s so romantic,’ she said. ‘My parents knew each other from school, but didn’t really notice each other until Dad came home from his first time at university. It was a New Year party, and they ended up kissing at midnight.’ She smiled. ‘They still hold hands, and they’ve been married for forty years.’
‘That’s nice.’ For a second, he looked incredibly sad.
She remembered what he’d said about his ex. Did he miss her? Was he still in love with her? But their differences over wanting children had clearly been too huge for them to overcome. And it was none of her business. She shouldn’t ask.
Though it was also a warning not to get the wrong idea about him. Angelo Beresford was a very attractive man—and he was a good man, too. Kind. It would be oh, so easy to fall for him, but it would also be a huge mistake. She wanted children one day and he didn’t. There wasn’t a middle way. If they fell for each other, they’d just end up making each other unhappy. So she’d stick to being professional and keep a tiny bit of distance between them.
‘So what does a corporate lawyer do for fun?’ she asked. ‘Music? Cinema? Sport?’
‘Between work and my family, I don’t have much time for hobbies,’ he said.
Because he was a workaholic? She could identify with that. She’d thrown herself into her studies and her job, to prove to herself that she was so much more than Eric had made her believe she was. ‘Your mum’s an opera singer. Do you like classical music more than pop?’