Page 63 of Going Deep

Why the fuck not.

Friendship had grown to deep trust to love. Of course he loved the guy. But he wasn’t in love with him. That would be a whole different ballgame.

“Colt. Look at me.”

He gripped the glass and shut his eyes. He couldn’t. Wouldn’t. Enough of his life was in flux already. He’d just begun to finally, finally accept he had another identity except as the one-time football star. To move on from Charli and the divorce and the whole situation with Wade. To stop mindlessly sleeping with just anyone, because at least he could be a good-time Charlie if he couldn’t be anyone else.

If something this fundamental changed too, he’d have no bedrock left to stand on. He’d have no idea who he was looking at in the mirror anymore.

Paige faced her reflection. It’s time you do the same.

“Fuck it.” Colt slammed the glass on the table, nearly upending it. He stalked to Drake and grabbed his jaw, gripping his face with all of the rage and frustration and arousal he couldn’t fight any longer. It had always been there, simmering in the background like a forest fire he’d never been able to fully extinguish.

And now it could finally reign. No holding back.

His mouth slanted hungrily over Drake’s, their tongues slashing and dueling for control. Hard, hot and fast, it might as well have been fucking. There was no time to breathe. No room for gentleness. Only hunger and need.

His fingers dug into the back of Drake’s neck, the short hair there tickling his knuckles as he turned his head and plunged deeper. He couldn’t take enough. It had been too long in coming. His dick bumped against his zipper, rigid and insistent. He knew Drake could feel it against his own stiff shaft because he moaned, the sound slicing through Colt from skin to bone.


Did Drake say it or had he? The word echoed in his head, competing with all the reasons they couldn’t. He had a student. She was in the middle of a lesson. Miss Emmy was more than capable of finishing it, and she was outside helping out anyway.

This wouldn’t take long. Ten minutes, maybe. Five if the urgent heat inside him was any indication. Maybe three.

Goddamn, he needed to fuck. To know.

He grabbed Drake’s belt buckle and shoved him backward, driving him toward the stairs. Their mouths grappled as they scrambled up the stairs, unwilling to break the kiss for even a second. He dragged at Drake’s buckle, at his zipper, so crazed to feel flesh he probably could’ve rent the denim without much effort.

The first scrape of his fingers over hot skin made Drake tremble against him, and he felt like a frigging superhero. If he could arouse a big strong man like Drake, he could do anything. Be anything.

At the top of the stairs, he hesitated. His room or Drake’s?

They always used Drake’s room. Always. No one had been invited into his room since he’d moved in some months ago after he’d moved out of one of the outbuildings at his parents’ place. It hadn’t been a formal decision to keep guests away or anything. He just hadn’t been ready to have anyone there.

Apparently he took too long to decide because Drake dragged him toward his room. He kicked open the door and pushed him inside, slamming him against the wall and attacking his mouth. Clothes disappeared at a rate of speed that defied logic. It shouldn’t have taken seconds for both of them to shed belts, jeans, boxers, shirts and boots. In an instant, Colt reversed their positions and backed Drake up to the bed he’d made up so tidily after that morning’s exertions. Colt tore back the spread and toppled them onto the mattress, seizing his hands and spreading them out at his sides.

Wanting, needing him to take what he gave, even if he didn’t quite know what the fuck he was doing.

“It’s okay.” Drake’s fingers flexed in his hold but he didn’t make a move to get away. “It’s okay,” he said again as Colt closed his eyes.

Drake leaned up and scraped his teeth down his Adam’s apple, reigniting the pressure in the base of his spine. His cock jerked between them, bumping Drake’s, already leaking pre-cum. His buddy lifted his hips, grinding them together, making the friction into something blinding. He couldn’t see, couldn’t think. There wasn’t any wrong or right. There was just this, and doing what came naturally.

He backed up and grabbed the lube and a condom out of the bedside table. His hands were shaking. He couldn’t take a full breath. Just like last night, when Drake and Paige had jointly blown him. Except this was even more.

Paige. He steadied, remembering the acceptance there when she’d turned her face against his thigh and Drake had sucked him to completion. She would understand.

God, he needed someone to understand. He needed to understand himself.


Drake’s voice lured him back to the bed and the unfinished task in front of him. His cock bobbed at seeing his best friend waiting for him on his belly. His strong arms and legs braced for whatever came. Acceptance or rejection, all over again.

Colt swallowed hard and rolled on the condom, drizzling the latex with lube. Then he reached out with tentative fingers, tracing that shadow between Drake’s cheeks, spreading the lube there to pave the way. Drake bit down on his inner arm, leaving behind marks that only made Colt harder. Those should be his marks. His brand on Drake’s skin. He wanted to imprint himself on him, leave something behind. A reminder that for once, for fucking once, he’d allowed himself to see.

He squeezed out more lube, pressing harder into that shadowy indent. It sucked at his finger, at two fingers when he tested the flesh. Drake didn’t balk. The muscles in his ass and back of his legs tensed, so strong but trembling at the force of Colt’s fingers driving in and out. Tight. So tight. Like a pussy clenching, but with so much more force. He’d fucked women in the ass before, but this was different.