Page 51 of Going Deep

Once everyone was naked, he gripped Paige’s arm and led her toward the dining table, pulling out the leaf they rarely used except when they had company. He had one wing of the place and Drake had the other, and though there were common areas, they also stayed on their own sides more often than not. Working and living together meant a need for alone time.

Now they were back fucking together, and nothing seemed quite close enough.

“Hands out,” he told her softly. “Bend over and spread your legs.” When she immediately obeyed, revealing the drenched cleft between her thighs, he reached back to test her readiness. She moaned at the press of his fingers, the rough drag of his thumb over her hard clit. “You deserve a reward. Two rewards.”

Face tucked into her arm, she whimpered. In a second, her arousal would slip down her inner thigh. And he’d be there to drink it all up.

“Fuck her. Raw. No condom,” he said to Drake and stepped back.

They’d done it a couple times without the condom already, and every time they checked to make sure a meteor hadn’t hit earth and destroyed her birth control pills. Or that she hadn’t changed her mind. That act was intimate, and it was always her call if she wanted to go there with them in that way.

But he also knew she enjoyed being commanded, so he was just on edge enough—still—to take the chance she’d be all in. Because if she wasn’t, she wouldn’t hesitate to speak up.

That was Paige. Strong and sexy and amazing.

Drake’s dick was standing away from his body at an angle, he was so stiff. But he still stroked her side, soothing her as he might one of the horses. “You’re protected, right?”

She nodded without lifting her head. She only wiggled her ass, begging silently for whatever delicious torment they had in mind.

No matter what, she trusted them. And that was what made him hardest of all. She saw them as they were, and she still wanted them. Still was ready for whatever kind of wild ride they could dream up.

She’d been made for them. Not for a night or a weekend. More.

So much more.

Drake kissed her shoulder blades, first one then the other. Then drove in hard and deep, earning a thin cry. From the sounds of things, it wouldn’t take her long to come.

Colt circled her neck with his hand, lightly, barely offering any pressure. “Wish you could see what I do, baby. His big dick sliding in and out of you, so wet already. You’re so wet for us.”

“Mmm, Colt, please.”

Knowing exactly what she craved, he strummed his fingers down her body, over the rise of her breasts, over her soft belly to between her thighs. A quick rub and she was panting, short pink nails clawing into the table. “Someday you’re going to like being taken by both.” He lifted her hair and dotted kisses along the back of her neck while Drake continued to pound into her without cease, his hips slapping hers, his forward drives rocking the table.

She took it all.

“Someday you might even beg for it.” He pressed down on her clit and she rose up on her toes, seeking more friction. He raked his teeth over her shoulder and slicked his hand lower, bumping Drake intentionally, giving him a little additional pressure too. If he could have, he would’ve knelt between her thighs and licked her—licked them both—but the angle of the table didn’t give him room.

So he touched, and caressed, and listened to their breath turn louder and more chaotic as they neared that final peak.

And when she finally went over, shuddering, and Drake dropped his face to her back and panted out his own release, Colt couldn’t stop the wave of tenderness that constricted his throat. So he kissed her sweaty brow and locked eyes with his best friend, hoping he understood. From the intensity in Drake’s expression, he did.

If this had ever been just sex to him, to either of them, it sure as hell wasn’t anymore.

* * *

Paige woke up sandwiched between her men. A dangerous way to think of them, but she couldn’t help it. Every moment she spent in her their company cemented that fact.

They’d fucked her senseless, first Drake, then Colt, then Drake again once his recovery period had kicked in. They gave the word “tireless” new meaning. And she’d savored every hot, wet, insanely wild moment until they’d carted her upstairs and dumped her in the shower. She’d figured she’d be left to soap and soak herself, though she should’ve known better. Several mind-blowing orgasms later, she’d crawled to Drake’s king-size bed. She’d fallen asleep almost instantly, wedged between their hard bodies.

It wasn’t a hard life.

She woke wearing the flimsy white nightie she’d packed for the overnight. Had she slipped into it before falling asleep? She didn’t remember. It wouldn’t have surprised her if they’d dressed her. Surprisingly, they seemed to enjoy the caretaking stuff. Carrying her as if she were lighter than a bale of hay, washing her when she was too tired to stand, dispensing orgasms without expectation of payment in return…

Her lips curved. Okay, small fib there. There was always payment due. Luckily she loved going to their kind of bank.

Though things had taken an interesting turn tonight. She’d never seen anything sexier than watching Drake go down on Colt. Than helping him. When Colt had let go on her breasts, she’d nearly come herself.

Colt kicking back his chair afterward had worried her some, considering she was pretty sure he’d never gone that far with a guy before, but he’d quickly set her concerns to rest. Still, they’d likely all need to talk about what had happened soon. More lines had been crossed tonight, for all of them, but especially Drake and Colt. She’d do whatever she could to make it easier for both of them to navigate whatever they were going through.