Page 77 of Going Deep

“He’s honestly not that bad. His rep is mostly just that. Rumors and talk. Not saying he doesn’t get around some, but he’s a good guy, Paige. He’s not a cheater and he’s not deliberately hurtful. I wouldn’t be in love with him if he was.”

Paige gripped his fingers tighter. “You’re in love with him?”

“Yes. No point in denying it. I have been for years.” He picked up his coffee and set it down again without drinking. His was almost untouched and she’d be reaching the bottom of hers soon. “The ironic thing is, I think he loves me too. Loves us.”

“Us?” she asked softly.

His mouth curved and he brought her hand up, closing his other around it too. “Definitely us. There’s no him and me without you. You’re our glue. And I’d like to think maybe I’m your glue with him, and he’s the glue between you and me.” He rubbed his thumb over her knuckles. “I know you miss having him with us. I do too. Just like we both missed having you in that bed with us.”

In the midst of all the warm fuzzies flooding her stomach and heating her face, she wanted to make one thing crystal clear. “I don’t have a problem with you being intimate when I’m not there. I’m not jealous. I just…I just…” She’d become so much braver these past few weeks, but apparently she wasn’t quite over the hump yet.


“I just want to see. I want to watch too.” She flushed and nearly bumped her free hand into her mug. “I’m a perv, what can I say?”

His laughter made her laugh too. “Sweetheart, I sincerely hope you get the chance to watch us. And same goes with us watching you and whichever one is lucky enough to get you next.”

She gave him a coy look under her lashes. “So when it’s both of you with me at once, does that mean we have to whip out the mirror again?”

His breath caught, and damn if she didn’t love that. “Let me call and inform him of your question, and I bet he’ll change his mind about being a dick right quick.”

She grinned, drawing back her hand as the waitress set down their plates of piping-hot pancakes and sausage. “Let’s eat first then we’ll call him.”

Drake nodded and grabbed his fork. “I like how you think.”

Twenty minutes later, the waitress came to clear away their plates. Paige leaned back and patted her belly. “We’re really going to drive now? I just want to sleep.”

“Sleep in the truck,” Drake advised with a smile as he tugged his cell out of his pocket. “Time to turn it on and let the world back in. I turned it off once you fell asleep so you wouldn’t wake up if Mr. Dunston called. He’s a panicky sort.” He thumbed the screen and frowned. “What the fuck?”

“What?” She leaned forward. “What’s wrong?”

“I’ve got several calls from Dunston, which I expected. But Wade called three times and Colt called…eleven. All in the last hour and a half.”

Charli. Could something have happened to her? Or Hollie or…God, there were too many possibilities.

“Oh no. Did something happen? Call him back,” she urged, leaving money on the table for the bill while Drake was occupied. He’d never let her pay otherwise.

“On it.” He swiped again and held the phone to his ear—holding it away a second later. She could hear Colt shouting.

Shaking his head, Drake moved the phone back to his ear. “Dude, calm down. I can’t understand you. What? We’re eating breakfast. No, we didn’t forget the horse. Paige had a migraine and she was sick last— She’s fine. She’s fine,” he repeated, making her smile behind her hand in spite of her mounting worry. “She’s sitting here looking as beautiful and perfect as the sunrise, which I didn’t get to see because we were asleep. We’re next to Motel 6 in Burton. Yes, that Burton. We’re halfway to—what the hell? Why are you coming? Okay, okay. I’m sorry. She was sleeping and yes, fine, I’ll talk to you when you get here.” He clicked off.

“What the hell just happened?”

“I have no idea.” Looking stupefied, he carefully set down his phone. “He’s on his way here with Wade and Charli.”

“Here? Why?”

“I don’t know. There was a lot of shouting and a lot of shushing in the background. Charli, I’m guessing.” He frowned. “He hardly ever yells. That’s more my department. He’s more of a sulker.”

“Is he mad about last night?”

“Honestly, I couldn’t tell you. He sounded frantic at the beginning, saying he couldn’t reach us and Dunston was losing his mi

nd and he envisioned we were hurt or in trouble. I got that much out of him.”

“Aww. He was worried about us?”

“I think so?”