Page 76 of Going Deep

They’d taken a quickie sexless shower this morning, intending to just get right on the road. But of course her stomach had made itself known, and Drake had grabbed her the muffin and insisted they stop for coffee and breakfast. The guy took attentive to a whole new level and she loved him for it.

She took a shaky breath and tried to focus on what he was saying. There was that word again. Love. She’d thought it in connection with both men the past few days, and it proved maybe she couldn’t handle good sex as well as she’d thought. No one fell in love within a few weeks, did they? Was that even possible?

Especially with two people. That should take three times as long, mathematically speaking. Then again, her falling for them really didn’t mean they’d fallen for her. Colt, in particular. AKA Mr. Jackass.

Although he wasn’t always a jackass. Lately he’d been as sweet as Drake most of the time. And when he wasn’t, he was bending her over and fucking her silly, while telling her how beautiful and perfect she was. Not exactly a bad deal.

“Thanks so much.” Paige smiled up at the waitress as she set down their mugs of steaming-hot coffee. She told them she’d be right back to take their order and walked away.

“So this something must’ve been pretty big?” Paige asked, adding cream to her coffee.

He took a quick drink of his coffee and glanced away. “Yeah.”

The waitress returned and they gave her their orders of pancakes and sausage. As soon as their server walked away, Paige leaned forward. “Tell me what happened. Please.”

“You should’ve been there. Everything we do should be the three of us.”

She couldn’t stop her smile. “There was a two of you long before I came onto the scene.”

He reached across the table and took her hand. “Everything changed when you came onto the scene. Everything.”

Linking her fingers with his, she reached for her coffee. “Lay it on me.”

“We had sex.”

She cocked her head. “And?”

“And? You’re not mad?”

“Why, is he better than me?”

His laughter made her grin into her mug before she took another sip. “No one’s better than you, baby.”

“Aww. Sweet talker.” She leaned across the table to give him a quick kiss.

“But it was…different.”

“I should think so. Different equipment and all.”

His lips twitched. “Yeah.”

All of a sudden, the picture became very clear. She’d have to blame her headache the night before for being so dense. “He freaked out, didn’t he? And froze you out, and froze me out, and decided he’d hang around with his high school pals last night rather than face that he’d enjoyed what you two had done.”

“How did you figure all that out?”

“Well, it took me long enough, obviously, but mainly because I saw his face when you were,” she glanced around and lowered her voice, “sucking him off. I saw fear in his eyes.”

Drake sighed and shook his head, his shoulders sagging. He’d slept a few hours with her last night, curled around her in their big bed at the motel, but his eyes were still lined and red. “I didn’t pay enough attention. I knew he was nervous about it, but I guess I figured it was more about the actual, you know, physical side of it.”

“Yeah, knowing Colt, that was probably the easiest part.”

“Probably. And I know he’s been concerned about us going to that next level. We had a situation before.” Briefly, he told her about their threesome with Beth some time ago. “But he seemed okay with the BJ with you there. I didn’t understand until it was too late that he’d rationalized it in his head that you being there made it safer somehow.”

“Yeah, maybe.” She debated dumping another creamer in her coffee and decided the morning warranted it. “I wish he’d just talk to us.”

“I do too. But he’s like a mole. Retreats right into his hole when he senses something dangerous.”

“Or seeks out another hole,” she said drily. She relayed what Hollie had said about Colt’s nickname, but Drake shook his head.