Page 66 of Going Deep

A quick, clean break would be best for all of them. They’d had some fun and made some great memories and now life would go back to normal.

He’d still be the same Colt Bennett he’d always be



Drake sat beside Paige in the stands at the football field and feigned interest in the game taking place on the field down below. They’d made plans to attend the Homecoming game together last week, long before the implosion in his bedroom. He’d nearly begged off, citing work, but he’d feared Colt would freeze out Paige like he’d done with him for the last two days and he hadn’t wanted her to deal with that alone. It was his fault, after all. He’d known he was pushing Colt too far. But every time he’d seemed to roll with the punches, and Drake had begun to think that maybe he could handle what was happening.

Maybe he’d finally taken off the blinders.

But no, that had just been a delayed reaction or something, because he’d snapped back into his regular lockdown mode right afterward. Kissing him after they’d had sex had probably been a mistake. Trying to talk to him definitely had been. Colt had just looked so damn…lost. What kind of friend was Drake if he didn’t even try to make things better?

“Are either of you even watching this game?” Paige frowned and gestured toward the field. “The Titans are killing the other team and you’re not even cheering.”

“Sorry,” he and Colt said at once.

“Don’t apologize to me. We’re supposed to be here to celebrate Coach tonight. You know, pump up the crowd before the halftime ceremony—”

“Speaking of halftime, I’m needed down there.” Colt unfolded his long legs and stood. “Catch you guys later.”

Paige stared after him, her expression wistful. She was still doing better than Drake, because he couldn’t even stand to watch him go.

“All right. What happened?”

Drake stared straight ahead, trying to focus on the game. He loved football, and the Titans might actually bring the championship home again this year. Then there was the fact that Paige was cuddled against his side, her thigh pressed to his. If he hadn’t been all tied up with the Colt crap, he would’ve been enjoying himself.

Too bad ifs, ands or buts didn’t mean shit.

“Not sure what you mean. Do you need me to explain the last play?” He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pointed at the Titans’ quarterback. “See, that right there is what we call a football. He’s going to throw it and—”

“Ass.” She laughed and elbowed him in the stomach. “I’ve been watching football with my daddy since I was six. I know what’s what.”

He pressed a kiss to her collarbone, revealed by her strapless dress. “Forgive me for ever doubting you.”

“Hmm. Maybe. We’ll see.” She cupped his cheek and kissed him openly, her lips molding to his as if they’d been kissing for a lifetime instead of just a few weeks. Her tongue curled around his and she slid her hand up his chest, taking him from interested to hard in a nanosecond.

See, this was the way it should be. Paige wasn’t ashamed to be with him out in the open. She wasn’t ashamed to be with Colt either. She was so much stronger than either of them.

She deserved more than they were giving her right now, that was for damn sure.

He eased back as the game raced toward halftime. She snuggled into his side and rested her head on his shoulder. For this moment, she was content.

It wouldn’t last long. He’d only be able to cover up Colt’s odd behavior for so long.

They’d already missed two nights with her, which he’d managed to dismiss as being due to long days at work. She’d been busy too and had seemed surprisingly okay with the distance. She’d almost seemed resigned about it. He wanted to reassure her, but how could he when he didn’t know what Colt was thinking himself? She’d been her usual cheerful, unflappable self when they’d picked her up tonight, and she’d chattered through any break in the conversation—of which there had been many, because Colt was doing his best silent stoic routine—but her eyes were pinched. She knew something was up. She just didn’t want to face it.

Seemed to be his lot in his life to fall for two people who refused to see the truth in front of their faces.

In Paige’s case, she wanted to believe so badly that they were okay that she refused to rock the boat. In Colt’s, he was determined to believe they’d just had a three-way fling, and he could go back to the way things were before. Oh, he hadn’t said the words. But Drake knew how his pigheaded brain worked. He’d done the same thing before, with Beth. Colt would have more trouble writing them off this time, because this situation was nothing like that one. He hadn’t been halfway or more in love with Beth, as he was with Paige. And he hadn’t been so close to finally acknowledging he had feelings for Drake too.

Fat chance there.

He sighed and held her tighter as whistles sounded, marking the end of the second quarter and the beginning of the special presentation to honor Coach’s contributions to Quinn football. The announcer told the crowd to direct their attention to the field as teammates from the old championship team all those years ago lined up in Coach’s honor.

Drake studied Colt standing so tall beside Joel, Tucker, Jackson, and Charlene’s brother Rafe. Lorelie, Coach’s daughter, stood near them as well, and she was clearly about to explode with pride. One by one, the old teammates were called forward to accompanying roars from the stands, fistbumping each other as they walked down the line. When it was Colt’s turn to be called, Paige stood up and wolf-whistled, jumping around so much that Drake had to laugh as he grabbed her hips to make sure she didn’t fall.

“Get up here,” she insisted, tugging Drake to his feet. He cheered too, though he felt like a fraud and an asshole.