Page 61 of Going Deep

“You mean, like, permanently? Like move her in or something?”

So much for her wayward thoughts that morning about how big their place was. Maybe they’d picked out that setup by design. Gotta have room for the chick, right? Though she’d never heard of anything like that going on. Colt and Drake were single more often than not.

Jeez, she really needed to look up from her ledgers now and then.

“What? No. No, of course not.”

“Are you saying you’ve heard they’re doing this with someone else besides me right now?”

Charli’s forehead wrinkled. “No. I’m not saying that either.”

“Then what are you saying?”

“I already said it. They like to share a woman between them. They’ve picked up women before and had a wild weekend and everyone in town knows.” Charli crossed her arms and lifted her chin. “I can’t believe you didn’t, but it’s understandable, I guess. You’re not experienced when it comes to—”

“Hold it. Back that truck up, sister. I think you just made a wrong turn.”

“Excuse me?”

“Excuse you is right. I thought I was your best friend.”

Charli stepped forward, but Paige’s held-up hand stopped her in her tracks. “You are. Of course you are. This…whatever this blip is, won’t change that.”

“Because of course it’s just a blip. Just a chance to sharpen my fucking skills for my future husband, right?”

“Well, what else could it be? Did you hear anything I’ve said this week? I spelled it out for you on Monday. They’re going to use you and—”

“No. No, you are not saying that again. The first time, I let you, because you have a right to be mad at me and say a few hurtful things. But you don’t have a right to turn what’s going on between us into something cheap because it suits your worldview.”

Charli’s dark eyes flashed. “Okay, so what, you’re sitting around at night reading the Bible?”

Paige turned away and set down her tote. Then she braced her hands on the counter.

She wasn’t going to cry. Nope. Not happening. She was not some weepy schoolgirl. She was a grown woman who was going to answer the question the best way she could.

“Is it cheap between you and your husband?” she asked quietly. “When you’re with him, do you feel like you’re doing something wrong?”

“No. Of course not. But it isn’t the same.”

“No, it’s not the same. I wasn’t married to Colt’s brother.”

Charli’s indrawn breath made Paige turn and face the results of what she’d said. She needed to see that pain on her face and remember why words said in anger were never the right ones. Even if she was at her wit’s end and sad and scared and a million other things she hadn’t been just twenty minutes ago when she walked in that door. That didn’t give her cause to wound someone she loved.

She hoped Charli would reach the same conclusion once she had some time to think.

“It’s not just about sex with us,” Paige murmured. “I know you can’t understand that. To be honest, I don’t really either. I wasn’t raised to think that maybe two guys waited at the end of my rainbow. For a long time, I didn’t even think I’d get a rainbow, never mind the pot of gold.”

Charli’s eyes filled with tears. “Paige—”

“Hang on. Let me finish. Please.”

Charli nodded. “Go ahead.”

“I’m not the same me I was before your wedding. Oh, I look the same. It’s only been a few weeks, so of course I do. But in here,” she rubbed her chest, “something’s changed. They got me to look at myself in a mirror last night. They tell me I’m beautiful. And they’re not lying. They really think it. Hell, maybe they’re even starting to convince me they may be right.” She let out a weak laugh. “If they’re crazy, I’m not going to tell them.”

Charli moved forward to cup her cheeks. “You are beautiful, and bright, and so sweet and funny that I’m not surprised they’re drawn to you. Who wouldn’t be?”

Paige squeezed her hands and moved back. She appreciated the gesture, but she wasn’t quite ready to be touched yet. Not when she’d gone so cold inside and no amount of words seemed to be enough to warm her up.