Page 58 of Going Deep

“Wake up, sunshine.”

Paige moaned into the pillow, sure she had to be having a dream. It couldn’t possibly be time to get up. Not after what those evil, sexy men had put her through.

She’d come, what, four, five times? And that was after being made to wait so long that she’d been on the verge of complete insanity by the time they’d allowed her another one. Each time, they’d stopped just before she went over. Then they’d given her a rapid succession of them, each more powerful than the last. With their fingers, their mouths, their cocks. And finally, with a little backdoor action that had been surprisingly pleasurable. Just fingers and tongues, but still. She knew what they were working toward.

Making her a sex addict, for one.

“Time to ride, darlin’.”

Normally those words would turn her on. Riding didn’t mean quite the same thing to her now as it once had. But even her normally enthusiastic girly parts gave a weak throb of protest.

She burrowed deeper into the pillow and prayed for oblivion.

“I think we’re going to have to amp up our tactics. She ain’t moving.”

Drake’s voice. Sadist number one.

“Hmm. I think you’re right.” Sadist number two.

A moment later, fingers assaulted her ribs on both sides, making her screech. She doubled over and laughed, trying to protect herself. At least they’d finally untied her before she’d fallen asleep.

“Stop, stop,” she shrieked, flailing her arms and legs. Anything to get them away from her. That was one way to knock back the cobwebs, that was for sure.

Not that they’d given her much time to rest after that workout they’d put her through. She was still sweaty, for God’s sake. And now she was more so, wrestling with these two jerks.

“She lives,” Colt said, wrangling her arms behind her back. He gave her a brief, hard kiss. “Morning. Sleep well?”

The taunt in his voice made her want to bite him in interesting places. “I did. I was dreaming about a Swedish skier named Sven who—”

“Easy there, wiseass. Don’t want to put you on your back again and remind you exactly who gets first access to this pussy.” Drake’s hand slipped between her thighs and she couldn’t decide whether to moan or wince. Maybe both.

“First access, maybe. In like a decade or so when I recover.”

“A decade?” Drake laughed. “Wow, we must’ve had a good night.”

In lieu of an answer, her stomach growled. Before she could get embarrassed, Colt tugged on her hand.

“Hungry? Perfect. We’ll put something tog

ether super quick, then get out on the trail.”

“Trail? Why?” She tried to focus on the alarm clock on the nightstand. She was still a bit bleary-eyed. “I have work.”

“So do we. But before then, we’ll eat and get a ride in.”

“A ride…” She automatically closed her legs and Colt laughed.

“Not that kind of ride. You need a bit of a break there. But you wanted to ride one of our horses, and it’ll be dawn soon.”

“Dawn, soon?” She glanced at the dark windows and groaned. “You’re wicked men.”

“C’mon.” Colt tugged harder and she sighed and got out of bed, grimacing with every movement. Holy crap, last night had almost put her in traction. “There may be bacon and eggs in it for you if you’re quick.”

She stopped and bit her lip. “Um, I kind of need another shower first.” So much.

“On the list.” Drake hustled her toward the bathroom. “See why you can’t dally?” He grinned. “Much to do.”

“Unlike you two, I sleep when it’s dark,” she grumbled. Then she stopped. “Or I used to. Now I guess I don’t.”