Page 39 of Going Deep

Colt’s hand was a blur now, his gaze riveted to the action in Drake’s lap. Then his attention drifted up to Drake’s face, to his eyes, and Drake couldn’t hold back for another moment. His fingers tangled in her hair as he tried to warn her, to give

her a chance to pull back, but she was shaking her head and diving downward, swallowing him and giving him no choice. His release pulsed through his dick, spilling onto her tongue, slipping out of the corners of her lips.

Throughout, he stared at Colt, linked to him in a way he couldn’t break. Paige’s mouth connected them somehow, and though Colt’s hand moved over his own erection, Drake could tell he was feeling the same thing he was. It was as if she was going down on them both. Sharing it with both.

As soon as she drew back and wiped her mouth, Colt tugged on her arm. “C’mere, darlin’.”

She went to him, coiling her arms around his neck. He kissed her hungrily, and Drake’s mind spun in shock. He had to be tasting him. Had to be swallowing what Drake had just given her so helplessly. And he was kissing her like a goddamn starving man, directing her head right where he wanted it as they devoured each other.

Another pulse reverberated through Drake’s dick. Shit, he was getting hard again. Already. How was that even possible?

Paige climbed on top of Colt and slipped her hands into his hair as his mouth found her tits. He licked one first then the other before fisting a hand in her hair and dragging her back down for another dirty kiss.

Halfway through, his gaze slid to Drake, dropping to where he’d cupped his regenerating cock.

That incendiary look alone was nearly enough to make him come on the spot.

Paige fought with Colt’s clothes, tugging up his T-shirt over his head. She slid her hands down his chest, nails skimming with enough pressure that Drake could’ve sworn he felt the echo in his growing erection. She gave his hard cock a quick kiss where it bobbed against his stomach before moving on to undo his boots. Then she drew off his jeans and boxers, taking a moment to pull out his wallet. “Think you might need this,” she teased, tossing it to him. She nearly hit his cock and he groaned, tipping his head back.

“Evil woman. That could’ve killed me.” He turned his grin on Drake. “Taken out with one blow, just like my buddy over there. You still breathing, man?”

Drake nodded and returned his smile, hoping like hell Colt couldn’t read his confusion. His best friend wasn’t freezing up and turning his back on the situation like he’d done a year ago, when Drake had let his needs get the best of him. They’d been in such sync that night that he’d gone for it in spite of all the warning bells clanging in his head. He’d thought he’d picked up vibes from Colt then too, but obviously he was nuts.

Then and now.

Colt was straight. All-the-way straight, no detours. Considering anything else was a path to madness.

Especially when he was quite happy to watch Paige roll the condom down Colt’s cock before she straddled him and sank down on his dick, letting out a moan that caused Drake to fist his cock. As hot as it was to have Paige sucking him, or fucking him, it was just as hot to watch her and Colt together. How he grabbed her hips and pulled them down, how she grasped his shoulders and started to ride.

She tossed her head back, her wavy hair tumbling so far down that it teased the crack of her perfect ass. She dug her knees into Colt’s sides and tentatively slid her hands away from him to grip her own waist. Drake could almost see her indecision flickering over her face. She wanted to do more, but she was still shy.

To hell with that.

“Go ahead and touch your tits, sweetheart,” Drake said in a low voice. “Let us see you play with them.”

She bit her lip and glanced from him to Colt, who reacted in typical fashion.

“Hell yes.” He smacked her ass and she squealed, letting out a laugh. “Work those gorgeous nipples for us.”

She slid her hands upward, cradling her breasts. She leaned back again, hiding them from their view for way too long before she began to pluck at her nipples. A moan slipped from her, louder as she massaged the heavy flesh. They were huge and beautiful, and seeing those rosy tips appear and disappear between her fingers made Drake’s length throb anew.

“You’re incredible. Squeeze me. Just like that. Such a sweet, tight pussy.”

The heat in Colt’s voice combined with her frantic pulls on her tits, drove Drake up to his knees. He didn’t know what he had in mind until he’d crawled up behind them. She gave him a low-lidded glance over her shoulder as he palmed her ass, lightly tapping the opposite cheek from the one Colt had slapped.

“Gonna join in our fun?” she purred, and he couldn’t see one reason why not.

He spotted Colt’s wallet lying on the blanket and hoped like hell he’d shoved another condom in there. Luckily he had a couple in his own wallet, but he’d taken it out as soon as he sat down and moving back to grab it seemed like a journey across the desert at the moment. He fumbled through Colt’s bills and snatched the remaining condom up like a victor claiming spoils.

Just as he was about to claim that rosy-red pussy.

“Depends on if you can take both of us at once.”

She let out a startled sound and he and Colt both laughed.

“Not like that, darlin’.” Colt reached up to caress her hip. “Not yet anyway.”

“Holy shit,” she whispered. “I’m really not sure I’m built for…that.”