Page 37 of Going Deep

So no screaming O’s. Assuming Drake even made a move in that direction. So far tonight he’d been a perfect gentleman, something she respected and absolutely did not hate with the power of a thousand suns.

“You know, the Bennetts could come down here anytime,” she said, rather than elaborating on the sex conversation she’d inadvertently started. She didn’t want to seem too eager.

You know, you could always

make a move yourself.

No, she couldn’t. She might be becoming braver, but initiating sex with a new lover wasn’t quite her level of ballgame yet.

“They could,” he said cheerfully, patting the space beside him. “C’mon closer. You’re so far away.”

She smiled and inched across the blanket to him. A fly buzzed in her face and she swatted it away, making him laugh. She wouldn’t let a few bugs ruin what could be a perfectly roman— Enjoyable night. Romance wasn’t in the cards, and that was just fine.

Drake looped his arm around her waist and drew her against his side, tipping his head against hers. His hand skimmed up the expanse of thigh revealed by her sundress. “You look beautiful in this.”

The compliment made her belly swarm with butterflies. “It’s a little tight—”

“What’d I tell you about that?”

She glanced up in shock as Colt dropped down to the blanket on her other side.

“What’re you doing here?”

“My property,” he said easily. “Okay, my parents’, but same difference.” He leaned around her to speak to Drake. “What you taking so long for, Mondell? I expected her to be naked and thoroughly fucked by now.”

“Waiting on you,” Drake said with a grin.

“In that case…”

Before she could blink, Colt had tugged her into his arms and pressed his mouth to hers.

The moonlight burst in her head, a million colors coming to life. His lips were hot and hungry on hers, his tongue a persuasion she would never be able to resist. His hands were already on the move, shoving up her sundress, pulling down the bodice. He seemed to be touching her everywhere at once. Another mouth nipped at her neck, trailing kisses down her back as she heard the distinctive sound of her zipper being opened.

In about five seconds, her dress was in the grass and Colt’s teeth were on her nipple through her strapless bra, tugging hard.

“Damn panties. Next time, skip them.”

He continued to suck on her breast, blowing cool air over her burning flesh, but all she could hear were the words next time in her mind.

There was going to be a next time. Hallelujah.

“I can’t walk around naked,” she managed before Drake twisted her head around and seized her mouth with a sense of possession that made her clit throb.

“Yes, you can,” Drake and Colt said in unison.

“In fact, you should.” Colt tugged at her panties and she hoisted up her butt so he could wrench them down her legs. “You should never cover up this body. Jesus Christ.” She tore her lips away from Drake’s in time to see Colt stroking the bulge in his jeans. “You’re incredible, Paige Wilcox.”

She couldn’t speak. When had she ever been viewed with such obvious lust? Twice now, they’d studied her body as if she were some kind of work of art. Not a woman who ate too much Rocky Road ice cream and rarely worked out and only wore sneakers to clean out the stock room. She’d never even seen the inside of one of Charli’s yoga classes—

Charli. Dammit.

No, she wasn’t going there again. She’d been honest with her best friend and Charli had flat-out told her she wasn’t upset over what had happened between her and Colt. If she was lying, that was on her. All it would have taken was one word from her for Paige to permanently turn her back on the most excitement she’d ever known. But she hadn’t given it, and now she was taking something for herself.

She had to take it. She couldn’t spend another lonely night in front of her TV with her projections and her legal pads while the rest of the world passed her by. She just couldn’t.

“Hey.” Drake tipped up her chin. “Where’d you go?”

“Nowhere. I’m right here.” She slid one arm around Colt’s neck and one around Drake’s and smiled. “The question is, what are you going to do with me?”