Page 32 of Going Deep

“No, she wouldn’t, but she reminded me of the score last week.”

Sadie held up a finger as another customer summoned her at the other end of the bar. “One minute there, Teddy.” She turned back to Paige. “What score is that?”

Paige wiped up the condensation left by her beer on the bar with her finger. “The one that says Colt and Drake are the love-’em-and-leave-’em types.”

“Well, honey, I can’t say if that’s so or not. Drake has had a few relationships since he’s been in town that I know of, and they weren’t real short. A couple of women, and there was that one guy, Robbie, I think was his name—”

“Wait.” Paige gulped down more of her beer to wet her suddenly dry throat. “He was in a relationship with a guy?”

“Yeah, rumor has it. Was some years back.”

“Sadie, I’m dying over here,” Teddy called, his impatience clear in his voice.

“I’m coming.” Sadie winked at Paige. “Be right back.”

Paige stared blindly at the bottles of alcohol on the wall, glinting from the overhead lights. Pool balls clinked from the table in back and she barely heard them.

She thought she’d picked up some kind of vibes between Drake and Colt in bed, pinging more from Drake’s side, but had dismissed them. They’d shared women before, so that brought a closeness to them that maybe some other men wouldn’t have. But did Drake have some kind of feelings toward Colt, or were they strictly about the woman when they shared?

For a moment, she debated asking Drake the next time she saw him. Unfortunately, she was pretty sure there wasn’t enough beer in Texas to make her bold enough for that.

She’d just have to pay attention the next time she was around the two guys…and see what she saw.

“Sorry about that.” Sadie headed back up the bar to her after filling another beer or two for her appreciative patrons. “Can’t keep a thirsty man—or woman—waiting long.”

“True enough.”

“So as I was saying, let’s say they are love-’em-and-leave-’em types, as you said. You’re not looking for more than that, are you?”

Paige gazed into her beer, willing it to offer up some of the answers she sorely needed.

She wasn’t, was she? That night, she’d been certain that she wasn’t in the market for more than a one-nighter, and even that had been a surprise. She’d just been looking for a good time. But as the days after stretched long and lonely, she realized she missed them. How she could after just one night, she didn’t know, but truth was, they’d become a part of her life when she wasn’t looking. Coming into the store to chat, calling up orders and talking about nothing, even teasing each other over silly stuff—she loved sharing those things with them, minor as they were. And though Drake had still been around this week, Colt’s absence had stung.

She wanted to feel the way they’d made her feel the night of the wedding one more time. Was that so wrong?

“No,” she said quietly, gripping the handle of her mug. “But I’m not sure one night is enough either. Is there a middle point between a full-blown relationship and a hookup?”

“Sure there is. That’s where I am right now.” Sadie grinned and propped her head on her palm. “Not all of us want to settle down and get married with a houseful of kids. For some of us, it’s just not what we’re made for.”

“You’re not?”

Sadie slowly shook her head. “No. I have enough issues as is. I don’t need to inflict them on some offspring of mine, or set up house with a husband when I know he’ll only end up disappointed down the line.”

Paige couldn’t resist teasing her. “Just one husband? Maybe that’s your problem right there.”

But Sadie didn’t smile. “Nah. It’s not a problem. It’s a philosophy. And it’s practical.”

Nodding, Paige circled her mug on the bar. “I think I’m growing allergic to becoming practical. All I’ve ever focused on was business, business, business. I wanted to grow the store and make my granddaddy proud.”

“How’s that working for you?”

“As far as the store goes, incredible. Profits are up, customers are happy, word is spreading. Charli and I have talked about expanding and it’s a real possibility if things keep up as they are. But personally…” She sighed and ducked her head. “I’m not going to say how long it was since I last did the deed before last weekend. Let’s just say our president was in his first term in office.”

“Oh. Ouch.” Sadie winced in sympathy. “No wonder you went big when you finally went.”

“Big? Try huge.” Catching Sadie’s smirk, Paige realized how that sounded and giggled into her beer. “Jeez, pervert, that’s not what I meant. Though if we’re dishing, they are both really well-endowed—”

Sadie’s eyes widened and she made a slashing gesture with her hand.