Page 31 of Going Deep

“Yoohoo, Paige, you in there?”

Paige smiled. “Yeah. Sorry. Just trying to come up with a politically correct way to say that I—”

“That you banged two sinfully sexy cowboys?” At Paige’s silence, Sadie grinned and dipped her head near Paige’s ear. “Just an FYI, I might know something about that too.”

Paige shot back on her barstool, nearly flying off of it before she grabbed the edge of the bar and righted herself. “You’ve been with them?” she mumbled.

She’d speculated they’d shared women before, from things they’d said and that easy rhythm between them. But them sharing women in Quinn, women she knew, was a far cry from them picking up some tourist and going to town for a weekend.

“Hey there, you okay?” Sadie peered closer at her face. “You didn’t have a few before you got here, did you?”

“No, no, of course not. I’m not drunk.” Just freaked-out. But she had to know, awkward or not. “Did you…” She took a deep breath. “Did you sleep with Colt and Drake too?”

Sadie’s lips twitched. “Too? That sounds like an admission of guilt. To which I say, you go, girl.” She held her hand up for a high-five, making Paige grin in spite of herself.

“To answer your other question…” Her friend propped her forearms on the bar and lowered her voice. “Hell no, I haven’t slept with them. Either of them, never mind both. Do you really think I’d be asking you about it if I had?”

“I don’t know.” All of a sudden, everything seemed so hard. So freaking complicated. She finished off her beer, then snapped the glass on the bar. “Gimme another, please.”

“You got it.” Sadie took her glass and went to refill it, returning with a twinkle in her eye and a mischievous smile. “I said I knew something about sleeping with two hot cowboys. Just not that particular two.”

“Really?” Relief at the additional confirmation she really hadn’t been with Colt and Drake made Paige smile, probably a little goofily, as she sucked down more beer. “Is that like a…thing ’round here, and no one ever told me because I’m too new in town?”

Sadie laughed long and loud. “Girl, you aren’t that new anymore. Besides, you’re practically from one of the founding families of Quinn. Your people have roots here that go back eons.”

A sense of pride washed over Paige, and she sat up a little straighter. It was nice to know someone didn’t see her as just the new Yank in town. “That they do.”

“And no, I don’t think it’s a thing. People in Quinn can be a bit conservative sometimes, though I think that overall, they’re pretty understanding and decent when it comes right down to it. They are just easily shocked by some of the goings-on is all.” Sadie smiled and flicked her ponytail back over her shoulder. “Like the things done by wild women such as you and me.”

Paige blinked. “Having a threesome makes me a wild woman?” she whispered, really not wanting to be overheard.

“Well, it sure doesn’t make you an old fuddy-duddy.”

“Good point.” Paige took a sip of beer. While she wasn’t feeling it much yet, she probably should slow down. This was her last one. “So, um, who were yours?” She took a quick, surreptitious glance around the bar to make sure they weren’t being overheard. “Your cowboys, I mean.” At Sadie’s shifty look, she widened her eyes. “Not Joel and Oakley?”

“What makes you mention them?”

“Other than y’all been attached at the hip lately? I don’t know. I guess I’ve always seen sparks between you guys.” She flattened her hand on the bar and marveled that it wasn’t sticky. Sadie ran a tight ship. “Actually, more like flames. Forget sparks.”

Sadie gave her a secretive smile. “Let’s just say one is great, but two is spectacular.”

Paige sighed and went back to her beer. “You’re telling me.”

“I am telling you, because it’s nice to have someone to talk to. We’re kind of a rare breed ’round here. I mean, I’m sure a few others have had affairs with more than one guy, but no one will admit to them. At least Lorelie, AJ or Char—” She broke off and cocked her head.

“Well, now, that’s rather awkward.”

“Yeah. Part of why I’m destined to only have that one night in my fantasies.”

“You don’t want to hurt Charlene.”

“No. I’d rather cut off my toes than do that.” Remembering the sparkly purple polish she’d put on them just last night, she wiggled her toes in her sandals and grinned. “Actually, I’d rather lose a couple fingers. My toes look great right now.”

Sadie laughed. “I gotta say, it’s hard to figure Char being that hurt, considering she’s newly married and all. Those two have been making moon eyes at each other since high school.”

“I wouldn’t know,” Paige said softly. Yet again, her late arrival to this town made her feel as if she’d missed out.

“Take my word for it. Char and Wade were meant for each other. Added to that, she’s a pretty reasonable lady, all in all. I can’t see her begrudging you some happiness if you found it.”