Page 25 of Going Deep

“Hollie!” But Charli was laughing.

So was Paige. Colt’s little sister was insanely cute, owl glasses, straight-cut dark bangs, bowl cut and all. She wasn’t that young—in her early twenties, from Paige’s guess—but she had a youthful innocence about her and still lived at home with her parents. Her job at the local library and rockin’ little red sports car were kind of incongruous, but people were people, not checkmarks on some imaginary form.

Another good reminder when it came to Colt too. She really had to stop slotting him into some kind of role in her mind. He was more than just a ladies’ man. More than just a sexy thorn in her side.

He and Drake were both…more. Part of her wished she could let them be more in her life, but she couldn’t. Because of Charli and town propriety and hell, Colt hadn’t seemed interested in a repeat anyway when Drake had mentioned it. Drake certainly hadn’t pushed him on it either.

Better to let sleeping penises lie.

“I’m sorry,” she said again to Charli, not wanting that salient point to become muddied in the midst of all the hilarity and hot-sex hijinks taking place. “I never would want to put you in an awkward spot, even for a moment. Especially today. I don’t care what Mr. Mondell says. You have every right to feel hurt and to wonder if—”

“Oh yeah?” Charli’s brows snapped down over her fiery dark eyes. “What exactly does Drake say? By the way, calling him ‘Mr. Mondell’

after you’ve seen his junk—”

“And ridden it,” Hollie added eagerly.

“Is more than a little weird,” Charli finished.

“I know. It’s just a habit. I’m so used to calling him and Colt that, it sneaks out at odd times.”

And Colt doesn’t mind too much, since it makes him want to put me on my knees…

Nope, not going there again. Not in reality, and not in her mind.

Okay, maybe a few more times in her mind. She was no saint.

“Paige, what did Drake say?”

Paige shut her eyes and cursed her rampant open-mouth-insert-both-feet-and-an-armadillo nature. “It’s really not important.”


“That you’re remarried now, to Colt’s brother.”

The silence that greeted her statement made her inch open one eye. Charli was nodding.

“Yes, I am, and it’s a good reminder to mind my own business. I’m leaving on my honeymoon today.”

“Yes. You are. But that doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to have your feelings. What I did violated—”

“Hang on a sec. You love Wade, right?” Hollie interjected. “You better, since you married him.”

“Of course I do. More than I’ve loved anyone, ever.” Charli sighed and nodded. “Yeah, she’s right. That answers everything, doesn’t it? I may still be friends with Colt, and still worry about him, but fact is, we’re in the past and he’s a free man. It’s only my ego talking. Bottom line, I know it was just a one-time thing and it’s never going to happen again.” Her smile made Paige smile back, reluctantly.

Charli was right. Of course she was right. Drake’s relationships tended to last a bit longer than Colt’s did, but neither of them were big on repeats. They probably weren’t looking to change that streak either.

“With those two, it wouldn’t,” Paige agreed quietly. “One time is one thing. More than that would make it different.”

“I know you never intended to hurt me, so it’s fine. All of this is fine.” Her best friend grinned. “I mean, a girl’s gotta live a little. Take the bull for a wild ride now and then.”

“Two bulls,” Hollie said, wide-eyed. “You’re officially my new hero, Paige.” She made another face. “Even if one of the bulls shares my bloodline. Ick.”

Paige studied Charli’s face, searching for signs that her bestie was just trying to smooth things over and really didn’t feel the way she claimed. “Are you sure? I swear, I never meant for it to happen. Never thought it would. I mean, I’m not exactly their usual kind of woman.”

“You’re gorgeous, and stop pretending otherwise.” Charli shook her head and turned Paige back toward the mirror. “Own those curves. A million women would die for them, including me.”

Paige smiled and reached down to take Charli’s hand, loosely linking their fingers. “Thank you,” she whispered.