“He’s a growing boy,” Drake said with a shrug, earning her laugh.
“He’s plenty big enough already.”
“I heard that,” Colt mumbled without opening his eyes.
“Insufferable,” she mouthed to Drake, but she continued stroking him, soothing him into sleep.
“Is it okay?” Drake inclined his chin at his friend. “If it’s not, we can go.”
Paige only hesitated a second. “It’s okay. You’ve both gotta be tired.” She glanced around. “The bed’s a bit of a tight fit, but…”
“It’s perfect.” Proving it, he leaned up to flip off the light and moved in close to her side, slipping his arm around her waist. It felt good to have her close. Right. Her summery perfume filtered into his senses and he smiled into the darkness, closing his eyes as she rolled her head to give him a chaste peck on the lips.
“Perfect,” she echoed.
Paige woke up beneath two men.
At first, she couldn’t identify the strange pressure on her hip and shoulder. She didn’t have any pets. It was on the list, once she convinced her landlord that she wouldn’t let a puppy rip up the place. For right now, though, she was pet-free. She was also man-free…or she had been until last night.
The events of the previous evening scrolled through her brain like some kind of hyper-speed porno. Except she was the star, the cookie filling between two hot-as-hell guys.
What had she done to get so lucky? Was it the fact she always donated to the local horse rescue? She’d even sponsored that one filly, Lora. Or maybe her stars had finally aligned.
Or more likely, she was about to do a header off a cliff, because it wasn’t right or proper for any one woman to have as many orgasms as she’d experienced the night before.
Oh yay, here came her panicked mental babbling, right on time.
She peeked at Drake first, smiling at how he’d curled one heavy leg around hers and his big arm rested on her hip. His lips were upturned in sleep. She hoped she’d helped to put that smile there.
A glance at Colt found his head mostly buried in the pillow. His hand rested on her shoulder.
Warmth tugged at her belly. They’d both maintained their hold on her while they were unconscious. How sweet.
She hadn’t held on to anything while passed out. Her worries, her nerves, her lingering sadness from earlier last night—all gone. Swept away by a flood of orgasms that had left her more boneless than she’d ever been in her life. She hadn’t realized the mental peace such a full-body experience would provide, but she had to admit she was definitely a fan.
Unfortunately, she was awake now. And with wakefulness brought not recriminations—no way in hell could she ever regret such a wonderful night—but the knowledge that their fun was at its end.
It seemed too soon, but the reality was all she’d signed on for was a one-nighter. Even that much pleasure felt like tempting fate. She’d made up for her sex draught, and how.
Now they would all walk away, hopefully as closer friends than before. In the case of Colt, she wasn’t sure they’d been friends in the first place. Last night had changed that. After what they’d shared, she couldn’t fight her genuine affection for him. That didn’t mean she still wouldn’t tease the hell out of his ass when he deserved it, but she’d seen other sides to him. A sweeter one, and a more dominant one. Shit, the guy was like a Rubik’s Cube. Endlessly fascinating.
They both were. The Drake she’d become friendly with had pop
ped out more than once the night before, as well as a few different sides to his nature. He also could dominate as easily as he breathed, and she had a feeling he could be dominated too, if the moment arose. He’d capitulated to Colt’s commands. Seemed to gain even more excitement from them. Once or twice, she’d even caught him staring at Colt in a ridiculously hot way. As if he was daring him to go further. She wasn’t even sure what that meant. So much of what had occurred between them had required operating from instinct.
Now it was daylight. The sun streamed through her bordello-red curtains, casting the room in a rosy glow. The light played over their naked bodies, highlighting exactly how fit and muscular Drake and Colt were. All over.
And holy shit, daylight meant they’d slept for who knows how long, and their vehicles were still parked at the Bennett farm. Unless a few of the others had ended up spending the night, their cars would be out in plain sight, making it obvious she and Colt had vacated the premises.
People got up early in these parts. The chances that they hadn’t been spotted yet were slim to none.
Maybe it wasn’t as bad as she thought. She craned her neck, trying to see her alarm clock on the nightstand. When she glimpsed the numbers, she blinked again and again, hoping she could make them disappear. There was simply no way it could be nine-fifteen. The clock had to be wrong.
No, no, no.