Page 13 of Going Deep

“Second thoughts?” Drake brushed her hair away from her cheek. “You can call a halt to this anytime.”

“No, no second thoughts. Not for me. Just…he never said yes.” She glanced back at Colt. “If he’s not into this, I don’t want—”

Colt slid forward on the seat and took her hand, drawing it back toward him. She shifted to give him more access, expecting he’d lead her right to his hard cock. It was a typical overconfident-ladies’-man type of move, and Colt definitely qualified.

Instead, he brought her hand to his heart.

“Feel that?” The wild thrum beneath her fingers made her nod shakily. She couldn’t hold back her sigh when he kissed her fingertips, his gaze caressing hers in the darkened vehicle. “My concerns weren’t about not wanting you, or this to happen. They were about who you are. And who I am.”

“Charli’s ex.” She nodded again. “It’s complicated.”

“It’s not,” Drake said from the front seat. “I know I unfortunately missed the wedding tonight because I was driving back, but I still know what took place. Charlene married Colt’s brother. She’s over him. He’s over her.” He patted Paige’s hip, the one revealed by the gaping manmade slit. “Let’s get you under us.”

She groaned, laughing. “So bad.”

But even as she laughed, the images scrolled through her head. Drake parting her legs and driving into her, Colt sucking her breasts before feeding her his cock…

“We have to be honest and upfront,” she said after a moment. “I’m going to tell Charli exactly what happened tonight.”

“Specify exactly,” Colt said, sucking her finger between his sharp teeth.

“Not that exact,” she muttered, and both men laughed.

“We don’t expect you to lie.”

As difficult as it was, she drew her hand back from Colt and gazed at him. “Are you going to?”

“This may surprise you, but Char and I don’t discuss our sex lives. So I doubt it would come up. But if you tell her, and she asks, I won’t try to change the subject, as awkward as it will be.”

“She’ll wonder why it had to be us, just for a one-nighter. Why it couldn’t be someone other than me.” She swallowed hard. “I don’t want to hurt her.”

“It had to be you, because you’re the one we want.”

She scoffed at Drake’s comment, though she grew silent as his hand slid over her bare hip. “I was just in the right place, right time.”

“I’d wager to say right place, right time accounts for most of the best things that happen in life. But no, you weren’t. We both have wondered about this happening before.” When Colt didn’t chime in, Drake lifted a brow in the direction of the backseat. “Tell her.”

Colt scrubbed a hand over his face. “You’re a beautiful woman,” he said, so helplessly that her chest surged with warmth. He didn’t necessarily want to want her—because of the Charlene factor—but he couldn’t help it. And that meant more to her than a thousand pithy come-ons.

“I wondered too.” As Drake chuckled, she shook her head. “Not about both of you at once…but I noticed you both. I wouldn’t let myself do more.”

“So we’ll change that now. No more wondering, or noticing, or thinking too hard.” Drake slipped his thumb under the edge of her thong, revealed by the rip in her dress, and she shuddered. “We’ll write our own rules tonight.”

The last bit of her hesitation fled. She would snatch this slice of heaven for herself, and Charli—newly married Charli—would understand that she’d been alone too long, and how flattering it was to be desired by two such strapping men. Even though one of them made her want to spit half the time, he was still hotter than the blazing noontime Texas sun.

“Okay,” she agreed softly, glancing back at Colt. “Okay?” she asked, needing to hear him say yes. Not wanting to leave any part of this up to chance. Or worse, leave room open for regrets afterward.

If they were going to do this, it would be all three of them. All the way.

Leaning forward, Colt studied her eyes for a disturbingly long moment. After apparently finding what he needed to see, he rubbed her lower lip with his thumb and smiled. “Okay.”


With Drake at his side, Colt walked into Paige’s apartment over Quinn’s one and only Chinese restaurant and shook his head. He didn’t know what he’d been expecting, but this sure wasn’t it.

The first thing she did was head into the bathroom and return with a small first-aid kit. She bandaged up Colt’s cut with swift efficiency. It wasn’t bleeding anymore and didn’t even hurt, but he wouldn’t have minded playing up the injury if it meant she’d play nurse for a bit longer.