Page 37 of Heart Signs

God, he’d missed this.

She drew on him strongly and reached down to cup his balls, stroking them with featherlight pressure. The combination of touches set off a chain reaction in his body, unleashing the orgasm even he hadn’t been aware was quite so close. The climax stole his breath in a shout he muffled against his knuckles, his hips jerking as his cock pumped in short blasts down her accommodating throat.

Traces of white smeared her chin as he moved back. She trailed her fingers through the remains of his orgasm and again offered her hand. When he didn’t move, she gave him a patient, provocative smile. “Taste yourself like I tasted you.”

Sam shuddered and captured them in his mouth, reaching down to snag a handful of her sweater so he could drag her on to his lap. She came willingly, wrapping her free arm around his neck while he fed from her hand. Then she pressed a kiss to his head, her smug laughter rumbling through them both. “See, I went slow. That took twenty-five minutes.”

He shot her a stunned glance as he finally released her fingers with a soft pop. “No way. Really? No way.”

“Best twenty-five minutes ever, huh?” Still laughing, she dropped a kiss on the tip of his nose. “Wish I didn’t have to go back to work so we could go test how slow we could go on that ratty mattress of yours.”

He frowned. “We can’t have sex on that bed.”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s not even a bed. There’s no frame. It’s on the floor, for chrissakes.”

She jerked a shoulder. “Not like I didn’t sleep on worse in college. Besides, you really think I’ll be thinking about pillow-top firmness when I have all this firmness to focus on?” she teased, encircling his drooping length in her palm.

“Not doing it there. Not happening.”

“So buy a bedframe.”

“Money’s kinda tight right now,” he said, staring at the closed door so the pleasure still coloring her cheeks didn’t encourage him to make promises he couldn’t keep.

She toyed with the collar of his shirt, slipping her fingernail beneath. Just that brief scrape along his skin was enough to make his spine tingle. “Well, you could always cut back on the billboards.”

He said nothing. What could he tell her?

No. I can’t. Won’t. It hasn’t been long enough. Not even a year. As shitty of a husband as I was, at least I remembered. At least I tried to make up for what I did.

And then immediately came the argument. It was one he’d had with himself often. Until recently. Until Rory.

How? By writing words to a woman who’d stopped listening? What fucking good are words? Then or now?

“The rates are going up,” Rory continued, her fingernail still worrying his flesh. “That was part of why I came over here today. To tell you there’s a change in the cost and the frequency. My aunt’s trying to drum up revenue so now she’s selling billboard space in blocks of three. You won’t be able to pay by the month anymore. So maybe you want to think about canceling—”

He talked so she would stop. “Here I thought it was my dazzling email-sending skills.”

Her lips curved in a strained smile. “I loved the letter. Thank you. I was smiling all morning and then I—” She broke off, staring at his hand. “You’re still wearing the ring. I didn’t notice when we met up for dinner.”

He glanced at it and then back up at her face. “Yeah. I guess I forgot too.” At least it hadn’t gotten caught in her hair.

No, what had snared them this time was talk of mattresses and billboards.

“Are you going to ever take it off?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t thought about it.” He tightened his fingers into a fist, his body tensing. Didn’t she get he didn’t want to be having this conversation?

“It must be hard.”

“Hard.” The brittle laugh that burst from him like staccato gunfire he expected. The burn of heat in his eyes he sure didn’t. “I’ve been married a third of my life. I can’t just take off this ring and pretend I’m not married anymore.”

So what? Now you’re married to a ghost? Is that the new part of your sentence?

“I-I know it’s difficult, Sam. But these past few weeks, I began to think that maybe you could…move on.” She must’ve felt him go rigid beneath her because she gripped his chin and turned his face to hers. “Not right away. I won’t push you. I just—”

“You’re pushing me right now,” he said quietly.