“Holy shit,” he muttered.

Dillon’s gaze never strayed from Alexa, clad in a green corset and tiny boy shorts. Her dark hair rippled down her back every time she kicked her long legs. “You can say that again, brother.”

He’d rather not say anything. He wanted to stick Jill and his sisters in burlap sacks and kidnap them before anyone else could mentally manhandle them.

Caveman, enter stage right.

Bryan glanced at Cory, who appeared frozen in place as he studied his wife-to-be, who’d jumped down to stalk across the room in their direction. Meanwhile, the other women continued their alluring routine, hips rotating, chests thrust high, various implements of erotic torture gripped in their hands.

Jill marched across the stage, hips working, glossy blond hair tumbling over her shoulders and flirting with her abundant cleavage. A couple of guys whistled, and Bryan swallowed the growl that rumbled in his throat. His fingers tightened on the chair arm until he wondered how it didn’t break from the force of his hold.

He’d kill any fucker that touched her.

In another second, Jill would be doing a Miley and riding her bullwhip. As it was, her whip kept striking the silky pale skin of her inner thighs just above her black stockings. He’d touched her there a short while ago, and goddamn, the heat pumping between her legs had nearly scorched his fingers. The strikes reddened all that toned flesh the way he would with his hands, holding her wide open while he plunged deep.


Vic arrived at their table, lips curved in a teasing smile, a sultry gaze directed at her fiancé. “Hello there.” She crawled onto Cory’s lap and adjusted his crown. “I always knew you had power delusions.” She wound his hair around her fingers, apparently oblivious to the mock groans surrounding her as she dry humped him. “Do you have a big present for me? Oh yes, you do. Such a naughty boy,” she whispered in his ear, making Cory blatantly grip her as

s. So blatantly that he could’ve gotten a lewdness charge in a different sort of establishment.


Dillon leaned over to Bryan. “I told you to peek through your fingers.”

“You didn’t mention I’d need earplugs, too.”

“Sorry. This is my inaugural dirty-dancing show.”

“Not frigging likely.”

Dill laughed. “You know Jill, don’t you?”

Another growl threatened to tear from Bryan’s throat. Halfway to their table, Jill rubbed the handle of her whip across her glossy lips, and his cock jerked like a freak on a leash.

“Yeah. I know her.”

They were going to have a serious talk once she finished her show. He couldn’t decide if he wanted to yell at her or kiss the smirk off her pouty mouth.

Or just fuck her blind.

After a moment’s hesitation, she kept right on coming, her gaze drifting from one guy to the next at the table. She focused on everyone but him. Sexy smile in place, she stopped between Dillon and Jake’s chairs and rotated her hips, thrusting upward in a way that had to be illegal in several states. Hell, if he kept watching her do that, he’d probably get deported.

Since he enjoyed speaking the kind of French that involved extra tongue, he’d go willingly.

“Hi there,” she purred at Dillon, patting him on the head like he was an adorable sheepdog. She straddled his thigh for about ten seconds, just long enough to jiggle her breasts in Bryan’s general direction without making eye contact. Then she hopped up and sashayed away, caressing that bullwhip like she had special plans for it later.

He understood, since he was beginning to make his own special plans. His palm tingled with the urge to grip her ass and give it a couple of quick, hard slaps to see if she’d moan or squirm away. Right then, he didn’t care if she was all talk or not. He was ready to put her on her knees to see what she should take, his sister or propriety be damned.

When Jill did a shimmy to the floor, wiggling that sexy ass of hers and tossing a flirty smile over her shoulder that seemed to be directed straight at him, he made up his mind.

They were both adults. Her mama, as sweet as she was, was gone. Vicky was getting married and probably had better things to do than to monitor Jill’s sex life. Even if she didn’t, she didn’t need to know all of Jill’s business. She could be discreet, couldn’t she? It wasn’t as if he’d be in town long. One night to sate this…whatever the hell it was that had been simmering between them for the better part of a decade, and then they could both move on.

To hell with tiptoeing along on the straight and narrow. If Jill wanted to see if she could handle him, he was all in.

And hopefully, within the next hour, he’d be in her, too.

Chapter Three