“Sure she does,” Lex called from behind them, adjusting her breasts in her corset top. “Our parts are easy. We just swivel our hips a lot and lick our lips and pretend we’re giving air blowjobs.”

Jill swallowed. Air blowjobs. Right. That sounded just fabulous.

As did the implements of sexual temptation that Melinda, Vic’s sister, handed out with grim satisfaction.

“What are these for?” Jill asked, feeling her inner bad girl shriveling away with every passing moment.

“To tease the guys of course. At least from afar.” Lex winked. “That is one sweet flogger.” She snatched one that had a wicked-looking tip. At her side, Nellie’s eyes were about as wide as Jill’s.

“Oh yeah. I want one of those babies,” Jill announced, drawing Vic’s attention.

“Do you?” Vic looked surprised.

“Gotta grow up sometime,” Jill said. “Right?”

For the first time tonight, Vic seemed pleased at what Jill had said. “How about this bullwhip?” She pushed it into Jill’s hand, and Jill tried to keep from dropping it. “Better practice with it. You want to look natural on stage.”

“Sure. I’ll practice.” Jill shuffled off to the nearest corner and turned her back, trying to imagine Bryan’s face going slack with lust as she wielded her whip of carnal destruction. Ideally she wouldn’t accidentally whip herself, because whoa, that thing hurt.

“Hey there, cowgirl, you wanna change first?” Nellie appeared at her side and held out Jill’s pink costume. “You’re going to look amazing in this. You have the perfect body for it. Me on the other hand… I still have a few pounds to lose.”

“You look great.” Giving her a quick air-kiss, Jill accepted the costume and inwardly vowed never to

delay on making a decision again. She should’ve stuck with her yes in the first place, Bryan or no Bryan. She wanted to leave her comfort zone behind, right? That wasn’t going to happen if she stayed at home with one of her temporary foster kitties and her algebra homework every night.

“Thanks. And so will you. Come on, girls. Let’s go practice in the hall and let Jill have a minute or two to play with the whip.” Flashing a sympathetic smile, Nellie picked up something that appeared to be a feather duster and herded the rest of the ladies out.

Jill blew out a breath. Thank God for Nellie. She probably understood what it was like to be a fledgling wild woman, considering she looked about as out-of-sorts as Jill.

Of course, she also had a hot husband and adorable baby, but that was neither here nor there.

Fifteen minutes later, she emerged into the backstage area, bullwhip in hand and attitude in place. The ladies were all lined up and waiting for their cues.

Vic shot her a bright smile as the spotlight panned the stage on the other side of the curtain. “Ready?”

Jill gave her a determined smile in return. “More than I’ve ever been. Let’s do this.”

As the curtain parted, Jill strutted forward. Bryan Townsend was going to know exactly who hit him—and if all went well, she’d plant her stiletto heel right in the middle of his puffed-up chest and show him everything he would never have.

Unless he asked really nicely.

Bryan had only been back in a town a couple of hours, and already the scent of disaster was clinging to him like a discount-store cologne.

No, that wasn’t fair. The scent of disaster belonged to Jill, who had nearly slayed him dead with her big blue eyes, seductive walk, and ridiculously hot talk. He’d felt that way about her since he was a teenager, and that was before she’d turned on the full wattage of her sex appeal. He’d stood outside in the night chill for ten extra minutes to try to get a hold of himself—and to wait for his erection to subside.

Remember the plan.

Help out at Vicky’s bridal party. Keep his distance from Jill, even if he had to see her at wedding-related shindigs. And through it all, lie low.

Of course, that was assuming he got through tonight and whatever “show” she’d been referring to inside Triple Threat. It wasn’t a burlesque club, so that was a plus. When Vicky was involved—and where Jill went, Vicky wasn’t far behind—anything was possible. Circus animals weren’t out of the question.

Besides, he had other priorities at the moment than unexpected hookups with innocents who probably couldn’t handle the kind of shit he was into sexually, even if she did talk a surprisingly good game. He’d set up a modified plan to continue his rehab from knee surgery while he was in town. Two months plus post-op and he was doing much better, but the workouts still tired him out. As an undrafted free agent recently let go from the Maryland Mariners, he couldn’t let anything dissuade him from his goal. He wanted to get healthy, and he wanted to get back on his team.

Focusing on training and preparing for talks with his agent and prospective teams—in case the Mariners didn’t opt to take him back, a possibility he didn’t like to acknowledge—meant he’d have little free time outside of family stuff while he was home. And even that would take up more time than he had to spare, especially the stuff related to his mom. But it was necessary. At least he’d be too busy to have much time to think about anything or anyone else, especially ridiculously curvy blonds.

Especially Jill.