Dammit, she needed sticky notes that actually had some sticky left. That’s why this one had ended up under the bed.

She got to her knees and glanced at her watch. The party for his parents had just started, and her flight was only a few hours away. Maybe she should just let sleeping mogu

ls lie and deal with this when she got back. Perhaps by then she’d have come up with an idea of how to proceed.

She puttered around for a bit, making sure the plants were watered and the stove was off. Then when there was nothing left to do, she got her overstuffed carry-on bag and turned out all of the lights except the one in the living room. She gazed at the couch, remembering the night almost four weeks ago that Cory had appeared at her doorway with his insane plan. That had become her plan, then theirs. She’d told herself she was going to launch this all-out bid to seduce him, and instead she’d been seduced herself. The loss of control had been staggering—and freeing. He’d told her he had her, and maybe he did. Maybe he would, if she let him.

Sighing, she turned off the last light and headed to the front door. Her reluctance to leave didn’t make sense. Cory wasn’t coming to make some declaration. He wasn’t that sort of man. If she knew anything, she knew that much.

When the doorbell rang, she startled. Whoa, active fantasy life. Then it rang again and she blinked, wondering what twilight zone she’d tripped into.

She slapped on the porch light and grabbed the knob, a smile already curving her mouth. Could she have been wrong? Could Cory really be on the other side? Pulling the door open, she readied herself to launch into Cory’s arms—only to see the glowering face of her brother.

“Dammit, I’m here. He needs to cool his fuckin’ jets already. I said I would do it, and I did.” While she gaped, her brother shoved a small white card at her. “Read that.”

Chapter Fifteen

Vicky stared at Bryan’s outstretched hand as though he’d presented her with a live grenade. “What is that?”

“A card, last I checked. Open it.”

“Wait a second.” Vicky set down her carry-on. “Why are you here? The team—”

“Our game’s Monday night. I’m flying back in the morning to watch from the sidelines.” Bryan smiled at her in the faint glow from the porch light. “I’m fine,” he added when she just continued to split her stare between the card and Bryan’s tired eyes. “Really.”

“You don’t look fine.”

“Gee, thanks. Considering I just got off a plane that was delayed twice due to thunderstorms, and also considering your man’s been blowing up my phone with demands I stop ‘fucking with his plans,’ I think I look pretty damn good.” He dropped his duffel bag between his feet and pushed a hand through his sandy hair.

He was right. While he didn’t look like the grinning, carefree Bryan she’d always known, he still had those rugged, handsome looks that drew women to him in flocks. Like her best friend. Jill had caught a couple glimpses of him over the years, and though the two had never even talked, she couldn’t stop working his name into not-so-casual conversation. That was Jill. Always on the make.

Then the rest of Bryan’s statement sunk in. Her man?

“Do I have a man?” she whispered.

Bryan waved his phone. “I have about thirty texts that say yes. Now will you read that damn card so you can get a move on and I can use your damn bathroom? A man’s bladder is at stake here.”

She had to laugh as she opened the card with fingers that shook. One glance at Cory’s neat, precise handwriting and she wanted to laugh harder—or hurl in sheer terror.

Romance in public, or romance in private? If you’d choose private, turn to page two. If you’d choose public, turn to page three.

Bemused, Vicky turned to page three. Would you prefer a big gesture, or something more intimate but in a public setting?

She flipped to the page of the answer she chose. What kind of big gesture would you prefer? An extravagant display of romance or a dramatic getaway for two?

This question had three options. Option one, option two, or both. She picked both and then stared at the words blurring in front of her tired eyes. Please return this card immediately for prompt romance gesture handling. Thank you. See you Saturday night.

Belly trembling with a mixture of excitement and nerves, she shot her gaze to her brother, who was watching her with wary green eyes. “What the hell is this? And what does he mean, he’ll see me Saturday night? It’s Saturday night right now, and he’s not seeing me. I’m on my way to South Carolina—”

“Yeah, and Jill told him that as soon as you told her you were leaving town for a few days. She’s been helping him out with this romance business.” Bryan rolled his eyes. “And so have I, though not to his liking.”

“We faked the relationship, Bry. We were never really together.” Though they had been, in all the ways that counted. They’d just been too stubborn and blind to admit it.

Bryan barely flinched. “Yeah, Cory told me all that when he called me to get my ‘blessing’ to be with my sister. Which I told him was pretty freaking redundant, considering he’d already humped you in front of the whole world and I hadn’t blessed any of that crap.”

A giggle escaped her, but her brother wasn’t done yet.

“Cory shuffled his plans after he made sure I was still coming in for the party and for a special meet-up with Dr. Garvey tomorrow. Now I’m here, so fuckin’ late the party’s probably almost over and he’s busting a nut trying to make sure he meets you at gate C.”