When he trailed off, she grinned. “Debase me some more?”

Chapter Thirteen

Cory reeled back as if she’d struck him. No, he probably would’ve flinched less at that. “That’s what you think of what we did?”

Dear God, had he read her completely wrong? Maybe she wanted her fun, but only a certain kind. The safe kind that rode in on motorcycles and rode out of town just as quickly.

Had tonight just been another experience for her bucket list? He’d been sure that the level of intimacy they’d reached had meant something to her as well. Maybe not love, despite her words in the shower. Of course not love.

But still, they’d connected. Or so he’d stupidly believed.

When he would’ve pushed her back and risen, she grabbed h

is shoulder. “Don’t be an idiot. I was just kidding. I liked everything we did.” None too gently, she turned his face back to hers. “Correction: I loved everything we did. I’ve never—” She blew out a breath. “It’s never been like that for me before.”

He stared somewhere over her shoulder. “I realize I have atypical tastes.”

“Couldn’t prove it by me. I once dated a guy who had a thing for my feet. And when I say thing, I mean he used to like me to jerk him off with them. We broke up after he wanted to photograph my toes wrapped around his dick. By then my arches were permanently cramped.”

It wasn’t right to laugh at someone else’s kink. He knew that better than anyone. But between her straightforward delivery and her grin, he couldn’t have held back if he tried.

“Moral of the story? Leave the camera at home.” His gaze drifted to the ceiling and his breath stuttered. “You have my solar system.”

She leaned up and nuzzled his jaw. “You didn’t see it before?”

“When did you take it?”

“Your mom invited me over for lunch yesterday. We did some packing and she offered me some of your other things.” She smiled wistfully as heat wound through his chest. “It was always my dream to live in a house like that, with a family like yours. Not that I don’t love mine, but you know.”

Looking at his parents and brother from her perspective, he saw all he’d taken for granted. And it stung.

“Is that why you became an interior designer?” When she stared, it was his turn to shrug. “So you could create your dream house over and over.”

She lowered her lashes. “You know, Cory Santangelo, your brain is a sexy thing to behold.”

“Thanks. I think.”

“It’s a compliment. And speaking of designing things, your brother commissioned me to take over the last of the party planning for your parents’ going-away party. Apparently your secretary isn’t enjoying the process.”

“My secretary has been otherwise occupied with actual work,” he said drily. “You’re not a party planner.”

“No, but I sure do love doing up a banquet hall, and I also love your parents.” She grinned. “Besides, most of the work’s already done. At this point it’s just tallying up RSVPs, confirming things with the caterers and Lex, and making sure everything’s set. Then Jill and I get to create a fall wonderland.”

Giving in to the urge, he tucked her even closer. He didn’t want to let her go. Ever. The more time he spent in her company, the more certain he was that theirs was no temporary arrangement. If he didn’t move to change what they had soon, the going-away party would come and go and she might think her duty was done.

She might think they were done.

The idea of dating seemed anticlimactic at this point. For God’s sake, he’d already dripped hot wax over her body and held her while she cried. Twice. They’d known each other since they were children. The parts of her he hadn’t explored yet, he was determined to. So what if she could be impulsive and hard to predict? Lately he’d been those things, too. And he liked it.

No, he loved it. He loved—

Cory closed his eyes. One step at a time. First things first, he needed a strategy. If he wanted her forever, he had to make sure he gave her ample reason to take the chance of her life with him. Whether she loved him now or not, they’d get there. She deserved the world, and he wanted to give it to her.

Or he would, once the shakes wore off.

She poked him in the shoulder. “Why so quiet?”

He made himself focus on the ceiling. “You put Pluto too close to Neptune.”