Instead of snuggling with her—at least they weren’t spooning—he should get up and take care of his erection. She would be safe in bed for a few minutes. He just couldn’t bring himself to let her go.

She probably didn’t realize the vulnerable state she would be in

for quite a while, but he did. After play like they’d engaged in, her emotions would likely be all over the place, and he wasn’t about to leave her by herself.

Even if he desperately wanted to be alone so he could kick his own ass for taking things so far to begin with. And maybe rub a few out, just to take the edge off.

What the hell had he been thinking, pushing her to that extent when he knew how on edge she was? She’d had a rough day and he’d pressed his advantage until she’d been a gorgeous, volatile bundle in his arms, her tears scoring his skin as heatedly as every drop of wax.

She’d come so beautifully, without reservation. Her body had been his to pleasure, and protect, and cherish. He just hadn’t planned on getting her heart, too.

He shut his eyes, willing away the picture of her body in his arms in her shower. Hair dripping in two long tails, head bowed, shoulders shaking. It wasn’t her sobs that had shaken him to the core. With how tightly she’d held herself together since the first night they’d talked about her mom leaving, he’d known she was a powder keg ready to blow. But things had progressed way beyond that.

“I love you, Cory.”

When he’d done his research, he’d learned the importance of aftercare once a scene was over. He’d read about how the endorphin rush released during orgasm, especially the kind of orgasms often achieved during a scene, could lead to a painful emotional drop afterward. Most likely that drop accounted for her whispered declaration.

Would she realize that though? Did he even want her to?

He’d been prepared to fight for her love. To earn it like he’d earned everything else in his life: with patience and hard work. He’d never expected she would just give it to him before he’d proven himself worthy of it.

She shifted in his arms and he smoothed kisses over her brow until she settled. Sure she was on the verge of sleep again, he let his gritty eyes close.


Somehow he managed not to groan. She sounded so…tremulous. He couldn’t deal with a vulnerable, naked Victoria at three-flipping-a.m. while he had the hard-on from hell. “Go back to sleep.”

Please. Let me pretend I’m not a lech with the sensitivity of an ogre.

“You’re not asleep.”

“Very observant of you, lady Sherlock.” He opened his eyes, uncertain how she would receive the flippant remark.

She turned her grin against his chest. “You wake up grumpy. Why doesn’t this surprise me?”

“Didn’t wake up. Been up.”

She lifted her head and her damp hair tumbled forward over her shoulders, making her look impossibly young. And impossibly sexy, all huge eyes and pouty lips.

His cock stirred. Christ, why’d he have to think of her lips? Glossy and plump. So damn wet.

This time, he had no hope of stifling the groan.

Wearing nothing but a devious smile, she trailed her cool hand down his stomach. She encircled his rigid cock before he had a chance to plead for mercy, but once she had him in hand, he wasn’t about to say a word.

“You’re definitely up,” she purred appreciatively, bending to take him in her mouth.

With one stroke of her nimble tongue, he shook like a strung-out junkie. He wrapped her hair around his wrist, helpless against the need to guide her, to drive her down farther so that the moans she was making deep in her throat rippled over his length. She tugged his sac, adding an erotic edge of pain.

He clenched his ass to stem the tide that already threatened to drag him under. Her eagerness stoked his excitement, building it higher and higher until his hips flexed and he fisted her hair, prepared to give in—

She stopped.

Groaning, he eyed her as if she were a wild animal as she drew her liquid velvet mouth up his cock so slowly that he knew she felt every ridge, every vein, every pulse. Then she crawled up his body to straddle him and wrapped her agile hands one on top of the other on his erection. She twisted them in opposite directions, loosing a growl from his throat.

Her tongue peeked out between her lips, luring him. Just as she intended. “Do you want me?”

“You know I do.”