She was his, had always been his, and now they both knew it.

His palms on her torso brought her back, warming her impossibly, trapping the fireball inside her as she fought not to writhe. The area at the apex of her thighs smoldered, and her body clenched futilely to be filled.

“Look now, Victoria.”

Fuzzily, she opened her eyes to the near-darkness and gasped at the candle sitting in a pool of its own wax on her stomach, the dancing flame transfixing her before she shifted her stunned gaze to Cory’s face. His eyes looked almost blue in the flickering light, the color more intense than she’d ever seen it.

“You…you shut out the light.”

“We don’t need it anymore.” Watching her, he drew his fingertips up the flame and she shredded the table with her nails to keep from moving. The sight was so erotic, so beyond anything she’d ever experienced before, that she couldn’t suck enough air into her lungs. “You’re the light now.”

His eyes riveted to hers, he lifted the candle and she moaned as the cooling paraffin left her skin. The remaining wax tightened and the feeling traveled through her body, inciting a powerful spasm in her core. Holding the candle close to her breasts, building her fearful anticipation, he tipped it slowly, letting the drops encircle first one nipple then the other.

Each strike made her gasp. And beg. Her vision blurred, her hands so tight on the table that they cramped. Another spasm seized her, more earth-shattering than the first. Ripping her open with its intensity. Then when she was sure, absolutely positive she couldn’t take another second, he set the candle back in the holder between her thighs and grabbed an ice cube, holding it against her bared nipple, surrounded in hot wax. His other hand cupped her, fingers spearing deep.

And she screamed.

Her climax sliced through her like a whip. She came harder than she ever had in her life, her orgasm even more devastating because that taunting flame between her legs never let her forget the consequences of giving in to her body’s demands.

If she so much as twitched, she’d get burned. In her necessary stillness she found the purest pleasure she’d ever known.

Panting, he dropped his forehead to hers. “Thank you,” he said, voice ragged.

Vicky cradled his head as her eyes flew open and locked on his. There weren’t words to describe what they’d shared or how open she felt to him. She couldn’t hold anything back in this moment. Not her love or her fear.

Lost to it, to him, she simply hung on.

Eventually he eased back and stroked the melting ice over her trembling belly, making her shudder. “Shh, Vic. Shh. This will feel good, too. Trust me.”

She tried to nod but wasn’t sure she managed to move. He slicked the ice over her skin, sending rivulets of cool water down her hot flesh. She gasped again just from the contrast in sensation. From the longing on his face, so naked and raw that her throat closed with emotion.

Now he was so careful with her, working off the wax with the ice and his fingers, finally scraping the remnants away with a butter knife. He coasted the ice over her again and again, circling her nipples, freezing them and then setting them ablaze with the pressure of his tongue and teeth.

She called on everything she’d learned in yoga not to shake in earnest, but when his agile fingers slid a chunk of ice along the slick lips of her sex, she gave into the climax poised to leap inside her. She came and came, shuddering through the ecstasy spinning through her system. Drowning in it while she chanted his name like a song on repeat.

When she finally became aware of her surroundings again, she was cuddled against Cory’s strong chest, her wet face pressed into his throat. Back and forth he rocked her while he murmured words of comfort against her hair.

“I’ve got you. You’re with me, baby.” Her tears only flowed harder as he said those most prized words once more. “You’re mine.”

She clung to him, shameless in her need. Right then, the moisture splashing his skin seemed like another gift she could give him, one even more precious than her body. He just held her while she held him, their chests so close that his racing heartbeat mirrored her own.

As her trembles began to slow, he removed her heels, then carried her upstairs to the bathroom. He set her down gently in the shower and stepped in behind her, closing the door and turning the water on warm. She couldn’t stop shivering.

He pulled her back against him, enveloping her in his powerful arms again, kissing the side of her neck so gently, so lovingly, that she couldn’t help the renewed flow of tears. She spoke, she knew she did. But she couldn’t make sense of the gibberish that tumbled out of her while she gave herself up to him. Again.

He ran his hands up her torso, over her breasts, up her shoulders, and finally her face. She leaned back, the water hitting her full-on as he caressed her, his fingers as reverent as his mouth on her throat. Everything she’d bottled up for so long—her love, her fear, her overwhelming need—poured out of her and he took it all.

Under his patient touch, everything but the love that burned hotter than the brightest flame dissolved.

Cory held Victoria in the crook of his arm, her soft sleep noises making him smile. That he could still smile even while contemplating the destruction of the most precious relationship he’d ever had said more than he cared to examine.

Their night together had exceeded his greatest expectations. He hadn’t even come and he’d never experienced anything more powerful.

Granted, he’d had occasion to regret his missed orgasm during the long, sleepless night. But it was a small loss in the scheme of things.

He glanced down at the tangle of blond hair on his chest. She’d curled one fist against her mouth and her lids twitched occasionally as if she were dreaming. Her soft, bare breasts pressed into his skin, an almost unbearable torment. Even the sheet twisting over his hips when she moved made him grimace.