And then his broad hands, coated in her fragrant oil, were on her body and she couldn’t think, much less worry.

He stroked his talented hands over her stomach, hips, and thighs, working in the oil with an almost brusque touch. She’d always enjoyed deep-tissue massage but this one hit pressure points she’d never realized she had, invigorating her nerve endings until even the flicker of the flame closest to the apex of her thighs tore a whimper from her throat.

Without pausing, he slicked his hands and palmed her breasts, drawing them upward and manipulating the stiff tips while she tossed her head back and forth. The music was still playing, but she could barely hear it over her tormented sighs. He scraped her nipples hard, as hard as her clit was throbbing, then twisted them, causing them to stand up from her glistening breasts in tight red nubs. She’d never seen them that hue before, as if all the blood in her body had rushed to those two points.

His touch gentled as he ran his hand up her throat, the tips of his fingers pushing her chin back until her head and the pillow nearly dangled off the table. The blood not trapped in her nipples rushed to her brain and she shut her eyes to try to stem the overflowing sensations.

It was useless. He commanded her wholly. Unforgettably.

“So lovely.” His breath whispered over the shell of her ear and she startled. He slapped a hand on her stomach to hold her still. “Goddamn it, I told you not to move.”

“Sorry. I just…sorry.” She bit her lip and reached up to grasp his shoulder, digging into his muscles. What she wouldn’t give to see him slicked down with oil as she was right now. “I didn’t expect you to be so close.”

Instead of reprimanding her again, he gave her a quick, hot kiss. “I’m about to get a lot closer.”

He didn’t give her time to puzzle that out before he was prying her thighs apart, opening her more to the teasing heat from the flames for a heart-stopping instant. Then his mouth was there, building a whole other kind of fire as his tongue slipped over her where she was already slippery with need.

With her hips lifted and her sex exposed to him, she’d become his very own unvirginal sacrifice. Completely at his mercy. And it aroused her beyond belief.

She wasn’t some neophyte. She’d had guys do this to her before, without the oil and candles. It just had never been Cory’s lips sealing over her center or Cory’s tongue prodding her eager clit. Definitely hadn’t been his tongue coasting through her folds and spearing her in one certain thrust. Driving in again and again, provoking her hips to rise to meet him despite the hand he flattened on her belly. It held her still, giving her a point to concentrate on in the maelstrom of passion he created with strong, unrepentant sucks on her flesh.

Yoga had trained her to focus, to delay gratification, to hold a pose until the discomfort disappeared. But it hadn’t trained her not to moan and jerk at the insistent pressure of two fingers gliding deep, so deep that the renewed blood flow in her nipples tingled. The colors above her blurred into a wild swirl and she breathed in and out in steady pants. He nipped her thigh in warning, clearly feeling her building, and she fisted her hands at her sides.

“I want to touch you.” She didn’t sound like herself. Her voice was thready, weak. As if all the energy inside her gathered in the area he worked so skillfully with tongue and fingers. And lips. Damn, his lips. “Please, Cory.”

Rather than answer—his mouth was a little busy—he turned the hand on her belly palm up, and hell if the sight of his broad palm extended to hers didn’t make her eyes go damp.

She gripped his hand, squeezing tightly at his increased suction. He whispered things against her she could barely hear but somehow understood. Words like beautiful and perfect and the one that confused her and thrilled her most.


He said that one over and over until it became the soundtrack to the torrent of pleasure crashing through her body, tipping her over into a climax so strong that she didn’t know if he groaned at the gush of wetness against his tongue or her vicious hold. Maybe both.

Afterward she drifted, barely aware of him moving back. She sighed at the loss of contact but she didn’t open her eyes, content to just float. A sound like ice clinking a glass made her eyelids flicker just as his warm palm covered her face.

“Wait, Vic.”

She was so far gone that she obeyed without thought. Her own scent on his skin filtered into her consciousness and made her smile.

“Ah, there it is. I haven’t seen that smile since the

orgasm I gave you in the yoga studio. I’m greedy for them.” He pressed kisses to the corners of her mouth. “I want to watch you smile every time you come. If you don’t, I’ll just keep trying.”

Eyes still closed, she tried to follow his lips as he drew away. He chuckled while he moved the candles between her legs, his wrists brushing her with casual touches that drove her insane. Her heart pounded, the roar growing louder as she quaked with anticipation. She couldn’t decipher all the sounds and it was getting harder to keep her eyes shut—

Then she felt the first heated drop on her skin.

She fell back against the pillow and moaned. The sting swiftly transformed into a spreading warmth. At the end of the table, her heels clattered against the wood. She wanted to plant her feet and raise her hips, anything to get him to soothe the flash that arrowed straight between her legs.

“Do. Not. Move, Victoria.” His tone brooked no arguments.

Not that she had any to give. She was too loose and soft, too pliable and ready for whatever he had in mind. Pressing her lips together, she gripped the table and waited.

More drops trailed down her torso. She gasped freely, incapable of halting the sound. Lightning-quick, the burn worked its way inside her, lighting her up like a Roman candle. The singe straddled the line of pain as the wax accumulated, the heat growing until it changed into a sensation so pleasurable she nearly blacked out.

His hand was on her again, caressing the hot wax, his breath seeping out while he molded it. A subtle pressure on her belly made her go still. He tugged on her silver navel piercing, bringing her environment sharply into focus though she didn’t open her eyes.

She didn’t need to. Everything was so vivid. The pulsing music, the faint scent of the candles mixing with cherries and smoke, the delirious comfort of his touch.