I’ll try to refrain. So what now?

She rubbed her knuckles against her thigh. If this wasn’t Cory, would this be considered cheating? She glanced at her phone. Maybe she should call him and ask.

Or she could just play along a little longer.

How are you at talking dirty?

Less than ideal. Doing dirty, however, I’m pretty good at.

She couldn’t argue with that. We could get on a webcam then.

His answer was quick. No way. Are you single?

She didn’t hesitate. Whatever Cory felt about their odd union, to her it counted as a real relationship. He was her lover and there was no arguing that. No. Are you?

Her heart thudded while she waited for a reply. No. Honestly, I don’t know why I’m even doing this. But I saw your screen name and it reminded me of someone.

She shut her eyes and typed faster, almost positive it was him. It had to be. So I’ll be whomever you need. I’ll be your fantasy. It doesn’t matter who gets you off, does it?

Her usage of those particular phrases had been intentional. She’d hoped to remind him of the bathroom. Of her…and him, together.

Yes. It does matter. With that, Ra signed off.

Vicky stared at the screen in the dark, her disappointment so acute that her chest hurt. Now she’d never know if it had been him or not.

Then her phone rang.

She lifted it to her ear with shaking fingers, too afraid to check who it was. “You almost had me.” Cory’s voice flowed through her, warm and rich and so familiar that she shuddered.

Thank God. She sucked in a giddy breath. “You’re calling awfully late. It’s after three.”

“Not too late for you obviously. Did you really think you’d fool me?” When she didn’t reply, he grunted. “Or did you not realize you were about to cyber-sex with your own lover? You thought I was another man.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Cyber-sex?” She did her best to sound innocent. “That’s so tawdry.”

“You’re the one who propositioned me. If you’re really so horny, you could’ve been more receptive to me last night.”

“I could’ve been more receptive to you? You didn’t even touch me.” Indignation bloomed in her voice.

“Now all of a sudden you’re the shy type who waits for the man to make all the moves?” He continued before she could answer. “You didn’t know it was me online, did you, Victoria?”

He sounded so peeved that she had to grin. Maybe it was wrong, but she loved making him jealous. She loved that she could. “Of course I knew. I hoped it was you. I logged on specifically, hoping you were online so we could—”

So they could do what, exactly?

“So you could pop my cyber-cherry?” he asked softly, his voice octaves lower than it had been a moment before.

“I’ve never done it. I don’t even really know how.”

“Some pair we are. Do you think phone sex involves rubbing your cell between your legs?”

She laughed and sagged into her pillows. Her tablet fell to her side. “Since I tend to get pretty excited, I can’t take that chance. Waterproof cases don’t always work.”

He groaned. “Stop.”

“Though my fingers are fine in liquid,” she continued, walking them down her midriff. “Good thing, too, since I think they’d need to be right now.”

“Stop trying to tempt me. I’m not going to have phone sex with you.”