When she shot her gaze to his, he cleared his throat. “I didn’t intend any of this,” he added almost as an afterthought.

A quick stabbing sensation in her eyes made her blink, hard. Something had changed between them in the barn. Altered subtly, like molecules shifting. They’d grown closer, and she couldn’t go back in time.

From what she’d seen in the kitchen, his job was on the line. That didn’t really make sense to her, since his parents were good people. But for some reason, his coupledom was a requirement of his continued employment, and the idea of Cory without his work was a scary thing indeed.

What would be left of him then? And could she really willingly cause pain to someone she cared about, when the answer was so simple?

All she had to do was continue down the path they’d set, unwittingly, the night of the gala. Besides, her family didn’t have the best track record at finding—and staying with—their significant others. Maybe a fake relationship was her best bet.

“You know, my mom and dad set some precedent,” she said, shaking her head. “First they split up, then there’s Bry, who never dates the same woman two months in a row. Sometimes even two weeks is a strain. Melly tried to settle down with someone, but it didn’t stick. He cheated on her and dumped her. Then there’s me, the people pleaser who partied too hard in high school. Tonight, one of the guests—Cassandra—asked if I was that girl who’d had sex at the water tower and got arrested. I don’t think she believed me when I said I’d never been handcuffed.” She laughed just a bit too loud. “Gotta love small towns. Everyone knows everyone’s business and no one ever forgets.”

Cory edged closer to her, his expression intent in the low light. “If Cassandra Martino?

?or anyone else—ever says anything derogatory to you about your past again, let me know. I’ll handle it.”

Her heart swelled before she quashed her instant of sentimentality. Yeah, right, like he’d be sticking around long enough to shield her. As if she needed shielding. She could handle it. Hadn’t she handled much worse? “My hero,” she murmured, only half-joking.

“I’m no one’s hero.” He finished his wine and set it aside. They’d both had a few glasses tonight, plus he’d had some brandy. No wonder they were both a little…different. “You think you’re the only one who has a past people won’t forget. My dad wasn’t exactly loved in this town. He had a rep for bar fights, and there’s still an imprint of his fist in the wall at Connor’s Bar. Or so I’ve heard. Add in his penchant for sleeping with married women while he was still with my mom and you see why some people haven’t forgotten. He made quite the impression.”

“I never realized.”

He cracked the knuckles of one hand while his other slipped over her knee. “You’re not like your parents or your brother and sister, Vic. You’re you, and there’s no one else like you in the world.” When she shifted to look at him, he kept going. “Don’t ever change, for anyone. Even me.”

She glanced down at her lap, her hair falling forward to hide her face. His words revealed a part of him she’d never known. It was as if she was seeing him anew. He brushed back the wind-tangled strands and left his fingers on her skin. Taunting her with his nearness. “Victoria?”

She barely registered his voice. She wasn’t the only one who was alone. Despite the women he’d dated in the past, she knew he didn’t want some quiet Stepford girlfriend who didn’t make waves. That would bore him to tears in a week. He needed someone who laughed loudly and cried easily and booty-danced because a friend was having a baby. Someone who lived and loved hard.

And she needed a man who would never, ever waver in a commitment he made, who would never forget his priorities—once he finally figured out what he wanted. Who would always challenge her and keep her guessing and make her laugh.

She was beginning to think she knew exactly who that man was.

Cory had always driven home how important it was to shift strategies once new information came to light. If it was up to her to show him how right they were for each other, she’d take to her task with zeal. She’d do whatever it took.

“Victoria? Are you all right?”

The momentary indecision on his face cemented her decision. He cared for her, she knew he did. If they were meant to be more than lovers, bumping up the depth of their lie wouldn’t change that. And it might just make things clearer for them both.

Before she could respond, Cory steepled his fingers, obviously weighing something in his mind. “Minus a few snafus, this evening went well, I think?”

It could’ve gone worse, she supposed. She mumbled in agreement.

“I think we should take advantage of our apparent…compatibility and schedule a few more social events.”

“You only have me for two more weeks until your parents have their going-away party.” As Cory cut his gaze to hers, she realized her reminder of their limited time had not done what she’d hoped. “I mean, I have a lot of work commitments coming up, along with magazine business, but with proper notice, we can—”

His jaw clenched, emphasizing the shadows highlighting his sharp cheekbones. “How much proper notice are we talking about? You are supposed to be my girlfriend, are you not?”

So much for making him want more. So far all she’d done was annoy him. As usual. “I am,” she agreed quietly. “The love of your life.”

He shifted his face away, his profile so stark that she couldn’t decide if she wanted to smooth a kiss over his temple or tickle him to loosen him up again.

Still, she couldn’t make herself too available to him. Part of their heat, she knew, was her absolute unwillingness to concede ground to him easily. It made sense to continue with a winning formula.

“As long as you give me proper notice, I’m sure we can mesh our schedules,” she added, not expecting him to turn back with a snarl.

“What is this proper fucking notice shit? You used to be available when I wanted you. Now you’re so important that I need to schedule everything?”

“Oooh, swearing. The master of all he sees is pissed.”