She bit her lip, sure she was flushing—and not from being found out. From the memory of his lips on her skin.

That was it. He was never putting marks on her again. Of any sort.

Okay, she didn’t need to be hasty. No marks of any sort unless she knew they were going to be alone until they faded.


“That is what we were doing.” There was no mistaking the male pride in Cory’s voice. Anytime now he’d probably start strutting across the kitchen like a peacock. Or just a cock, period. “Not that it’s any of your business.”

“Big deal,” Dillon muttered. “You could’ve rubbed your coat sleeve all over her neck for all we know. I wouldn’t put it past you.”

“Yeah, because I just let him do whatever he wants to me.” As soon as the words were out, she cast a sideways glance at Cory. Well, hmm, yeah.

Cory grabbed her left hand and held it up like a trophy in a prizefight. “And that’s not all.”

She stared at him. He couldn’t. He wouldn’t—

“We’re together and madly in love.” Her breath left her in a whoosh. “Believe that or not —” his gaze locked on Vicky for so long that even she started to fall under his spell “—but the truth stands regardless.”

Which truth? she wondered as her confusion and anger fought for dominance. His or hers? Because she had a feeling they were not the same.

Conversation slowly resumed, mostly about Nellie and if it was too soon to call Lex to see how she was. Throughout, Vicky focused on two simple things—inhaling and exhaling.

Three little words shouldn’t break her. Taken apart they didn’t even go together. Madly. Yes, she could see being mad, minus the ly. In. Well, you could be in anything. And love applied to everything from ice cream to puppies.

See, completely innocuous.

Somehow she got through the next few minutes without losing it. Eventually her resentment and shock retreated into acceptance. He’d reacted impulsively, but not out of maliciousness. They were pretending to be a committed couple. Love was often part of that. Just because she’d never ridden that particular bus didn’t mean she wasn’t familiar with the stops.

Still, had it really been necessary for him to be quite so…convincing? If the statement itself wasn’t bad enough, his hot, flay-off-her-panties look had dealt her a mortal blow.

He kept glancing at her, and in his eyes she could read his concern. He was no dummy. He had to know he’d crossed the line. Even so, unless she wanted to brand him a liar—and she was sorely tempted—she needed to tap-dance to his tune.

At least until he explained himself and how he intended to make this right.

And maybe bribed her with something significant. Multiple orgasms to start.

“Victoria wants a formal tour of the house,” he said after interminable minutes of chitchat that made her feel like ants marched up her spine.

Once they’d slipped away, Vicky let him lead her down the hall, though she didn’t speak when he turned toward her and gripped her shoulders. “I know you’re not happy. Don’t worry. I’ll fix it.”

She tightened her hold on her mug of cider. So far she’d managed all of two sips, while he’d thrown back the whole thing in one gulp. “Oh, really.”

“Yes. This was just a stopgap measure.”

“Right. Sure. Because you can just wave a hand and suddenly we aren’t ready to pose under arbors while we gaze at each other dopily anymore.”

“It’s only for a few weeks. You know this whole thing is just temporary. Come on, Victoria. Work with me here.“

Her vision blurred and she turned away before he could see her furious blinking. His proclamation had only driven home her part in the situation. He might’ve been the one to lay it on thick, but she’d gone along with all of it. Willingly. She was every bit as guilty as he was. “Temporary lies are still lies, Cory.”

He didn’t respond for so long that she began to th

ink he’d left the room. But when she glanced back at him, he was staring at her as if she genuinely mattered to him. Maybe he was just feeling charitable from the time they’d spent in the barn. Or perhaps the Grinch of Value Hardware’s heart really had grown from two sizes too small.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you, Vic.” He stepped forward and smudged his thumb over her cheek. When it came back wet, she shut her eyes. “I’m sorry.”

She couldn’t help her desire to forgive him any more than she could berate herself for getting herself in this mess to begin with. She wanted to be right where she was. At his side, for better or worse. However long it lasted.