Vicky clomped across the pasture, wincing at the mud squishing around her boots. She lowered her head, forging her way in the evening light toward the hulking dark structure. In the daylight, the maroon building looked as pastoral as the sprawling farms she’d driven past as a child. She’d always wanted to live on one, to have chickens to feed, maybe even a cow or two.

And there would be kids laughing. She could hear them in her mind as she closed her eyes and reached for the barn door. Her kids wouldn’t have to worry about anything. They’d never wonder if one day their mommy wouldn’t come home.

They’d never be right.

The simplicity of such a life called to her, even though no one she knew would’ve ever believed it. She was the party girl, the one who danced on tables and lured hot businessmen away from family dinners for quick hand jobs in bathrooms and more—hopefully much more—in dusty barns.

She pulled on the door and grunted in frustration. Dammit, it was locked. Now what?

Sensing someone behind her, she whirled, unprepared for the sensation of Cory’s hot mouth coming down on hers. Her flirtatious response died at the first brush of his tongue, seeking and urgent on hers. He reached up to cup her breast, palming it while they devoured each other.

“You forgot this.” He laid something cold against her throat and she jerked, her head involuntarily coming up. He latched his mouth on her jaw and lowered the cold thing, whatever it was, to one of the eager nipples budding through her dress.

She jerked again, hard enough to almost knock them both over. And he laughed. Just laughed until she shut him up with a kiss that ended with him groaning and hoisting her into his arms.


? He slapped the key in her hand and bent his knees, lowering her to reach the lock. “Get us inside.”

It wasn’t easy. Her fingers felt thick and fumbly, and the early-fall chill had already seeped into her bones. By the time she fit it into the lock and Cory shouldered the door open, they were both shivering. Only mid-September and it already looked like they would have their first frost soon.

The smell of hay and horses hit her first, bringing a sharp sting to her eyes. She’d spent time in this barn years ago, back when Cory’s mother had invited the Girl Scouts over for a field trip. They’d had two horses then, Midas and Misty, and she’d spent an hour brushing Misty’s silky coat while Cory sulked in the corner. Corinne had insisted her eldest son chip in his knowledge of raising horses, and he had, begrudgingly.

He’d also stared Vicky down as if he couldn’t wait to rid her from his sight. Is that what Dillon had been referring to?

“Whose bright idea was this again?” Cory kicked the heavy door shut behind them and grabbed a lantern off the wall, illuminating the gloom for one startling moment before her eyes adjusted.

“Mine. But no one said you had to go along with it.” Noticing another lantern, she snatched it off the wall. She smiled as he wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled her neck.

“Your wet panties said it.” He slapped her ass just hard enough to make her cry out—in approval, not distress. “No sane man could ever say no to you.”

“You’re sane?” She darted away, laughing, as he grabbed for her, then turned on the second lantern. The two lights offered a nice, warm glow.

Just enough for what she had in mind.

Misty whinnied from the corner and Vicky leaned up on her tiptoes to try to get a glimpse of the beautiful horse. “I always wanted to ride her,” she said wistfully when her big, dark head popped over the top of her stall.

“You can ride me instead.” He pulled her against him, backing them toward a huge pile of hay bales. “We need to make heat somehow.”

“Uh-uh. No riding.” Playfully, she pushed at his chest and dangled her lantern above her head so she could see the surprise flitting across his face. “We’d be picking hay out of our asses for weeks.”

“Now there’s a picture,” he muttered. “See why I like beds?”

Nerves flared deep in her belly but she ignored them. She wasn’t timid by nature. Long ago she’d banished fear to the basement of her life. If something made her nervous, she faced it head-on. Hell, look at Cory. He scared her shitless and she’d fallen—

No. This was sex. Dirty, inventive sex that would burn any memories of any other woman but her from his brain. Maybe she’d even burn herself out on him eventually, if she applied herself to the task. She’d always been good at studying hard.

“You’ll also like this,” she murmured, reaching for the hem of her dress and pulling it up and over her head before her anxiety had time to rear its warty head.

There was no reason to be afraid of Cory. He would never hurt her, not physically. And maybe he’d help her to forget that this was just pretend, and the family she’d spent the evening with would never be anything but on loan. Her own family would most likely never be in one place again, not with the way they were scattered around the country. Each of them alone in their own special kind of hell.

But not her. Not tonight. Tonight she would feel everything she could. She’d fill herself with experiences and sensations she could take out and examine after he’d gone.

After they were done.

When she stood before him in just her bra and lacy thigh-high hose, she stepped back until her spine hit one of the support columns that extended to the exposed beams of the ceiling. She wrapped her fingers around the wood above her head, stretching herself up like his very own unwrapped gift. Then she spread her legs and invitingly rocked her hips.

His gaze drifted from her face to her breasts, her nipples as hard as little stones, to her belly button with its tinkling silver bells, to the damp area between her thighs. His attention was as hot as a caress, as silky as a swatch of ribbon over her eyes.