“They normally are, except my brother thinks you’re a goddamn saint and couldn’t stop talking about you last night. He said you offered up an entire decorating package to two families, which is above and beyond.”

The distaste in his tone made her frown, until his eyes flashed. “You’re jealous that Dillon likes me.”

“I’m never jealous.” He gave her an impervious look. “And in case you’ve forgotten, you’re mine for the duration. As you chose.”

You’re mine. He might as well have taken out the key to unlock her vagina. She could hear the cylinders click. Open, sesame.

The movement of his finger held her captive, both from the jolts of pleasure radiating up her arm and from his skillful touch. “You know about pulse points.”

“You’d be surprised what I know.”

“You said that before.” She swallowed, hard. “And not so much.”

He stepped closer. His features appeared carved in granite, but for the warmth of his eyes. No longer a flat, cool gray, they blazed with the intensity she’d only ever seen him apply to work. Now it was riveted on her.

“I’m going to kiss you,” he murmured. “If you don’t want that, tell me now.”

His words alone caused goose bumps to rise along her arms, despite the heat. She could leave. He was giving her ample opportunity to flee, just as she had last time. But this was, for all intents and purposes, their third chance up at bat. The first he’d fumbled, the second she had. If they struck out now, she’d never know what it was like to lose herself in her arms. She’d never get to watch his control shatter.

Because of her.

She moved in and slid her hand up to the back of his neck. Without her heels to narrow the gap in their heights, she felt at a definite disadvantage. He loomed over her, the breadth of his shoulders reminding her exactly how big he was. All over.

He waited until she leaned up before closing the distance. Their mouths came together in a hard clash that knocked the few preconceptions she had left of him right out of her head. He slanted his lips over hers and drove his tongue deep, groaning as she seized hold and tugged.

No hesitation. No doubts. Nothing but pure, sweet relief that it was so damn good between them, better than in her wildest dreams.

She licked the length of his tongue, sliding her own back and forth in a languid tease. He yanked off her headband and sent it flying, then buried his hands in her hair, shifting her head so he could explore her thoroughly. Her mouth was his playground, and he claimed it with a carnal patience that set off a desperate pulse in her core.

Panting, he gripped her arms to pull her up on her toes. When that wasn’t close enough, he hoisted her onto his hips and cupped her ass, somehow managing to hold her in place when her renewed kisses sent them flying back into the mirrored wall. His skull bounced off the glass and she gasped, reaching up to feel for blood or lumps. “Are you okay?”

“That’s one way to solve this.” He opened one eye. “Kill me.”

She deliberately rose up in his arms, putting his face near her straining breasts. They were both breathing raggedly, and it was hard for her to string words together. “You’re not dying until I get my fill, Santangelo.”

“Take it off.” He looked down where her shirt had ridden up, exposing her navel. “Take it all off. Now.”

The thrill in his demand incited a shiver. Her body didn’t seem to know the temperature was set on broil. “There is another class later.”

“The operative word is later. Trust me, we won’t be bothered.”

She frowned. “How do you know?”

“I paid off the woman at the desk to reserve this room for our…discussion. Our privacy is assured.”

Cocky much? But she couldn’t drum up any irritation, not when he’d turned her brain into an omelet with his kisses. Under other circumstances, she might’ve even found it amusing that he assumed no one would dare to challenge his will. Or his checkbook.

“FYI, Santangelo, this a gym, not a motel.”

“For Christ’s sake, will you just shut up and get naked?”

Ignoring him, she shimmied down his body and gripped the waistband of her shorts. His eyes fired as he zeroed in on her fingers. Torturing him had always been one of her favorite things, and apparently that even applied when they were about to have sex.

“Want me?” She cocked her head and played up her vamp role. “Then come and get me, big boy.”

Cory stalked toward her and yanked off his jacket and tie. She was right about one thing. Coming was definitely on the agenda.