Typically she stood once the last student left, but today she let her boneless arms sink into her cushioned mat. She was in no hurry to leave. She had a late meeting with a new client, but she always made sure to build room in her schedule to ease back into her routine after class so she didn’t have to rush just yet. Still, she could definitely use a shower.

Sighing, she sat up and opened her eyes. And locked gazes with the object of way too many of her thoughts.

Her heartbeat didn’t accelerate immediately, demonstrating her newfound tranquility. Cory in a navy suit and French cuffs, and with his dark hair cut shorter than usual was definitely a sight worthy of a racing pulse, especially since he was reflected in triplicate in the mirrors that surrounded the studio.

As the moment stretched out, she fought to maintain her stance. Arms resting on her thighs, hands upturned, spine erect. Area between her thighs, throbbing.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, feigning calm.

“I was in the neighborhood.”

“You don’t work out at this gym.”

He worked out alone, as he did so much else. Including working late into the night, day after day. She was sure his candle had to be crispy at both ends.

“No, but after what I just saw, I may give yoga a try.”

She snorted, unable to help it. “These are private classes. You’re not supposed to observe the students.”

“I wasn’t observing them. My eyes were only for you.”

Oh. Okay then. “Still.”

“You’re beautiful,

Victoria.” While his words echoed through her, he crossed the room. She just stared as he extended his hand.

“I’m all sweaty,” she mumbled, rubbing her palm against her yoga shorts. Her exceedingly minuscule shorts, to go with her revealing, one-shouldered top. She needed to dress lightly for class—all the students did—but under his gaze she felt overexposed. And more sexy than she ever had in her life, droopy hair and all.

Thank you, yoga.

“I’m sweaty, too.” He reached up to tug at his tie. “What is it in here? A thousand degrees?”

She smiled. “One hundred and five. The ideal temperature to release toxins and achieve maximum well-being.”

He let his gaze wander over her unabashedly, and her nipples stiffened to get their share of his attention. He didn’t disappoint.

Yep, Cory Santangelo definitely preferred the T part of the T&A equation.

“It certainly works for you. You take my breath away.”

“Is the heat getting to you?” She cast a glance toward the door he must’ve shut on his way in. Quiet as a feline, he was. But a dangerous one, the kind that lured a victim with its graceful beauty and then went for the throat.

“Get up, Victoria.”

He was bossy, too. Though judging from the need swelling between her legs, she didn’t mind.

Vicky accepted his hand and stood, her breath catching at the desire in his eyes. He didn’t even try to mask it. Yesterday he’d been business as usual, but now he was back to the Cory he’d been on his balcony. And she was back to being as horny as a cat in heat.

She looked down to where he still held her hand, his finger circling the trigger point just beneath her thumb. “Why are you here?”

“I came to see you. You told me when your classes were, remember?”

“How did you find me? This isn’t even the usual yoga studio I teach in—”

“Yet I found you just the same. I must be a genius.” His mercurial smile didn’t slow down her racing heartbeat. “Why didn’t you tell me that you’d contributed to the toolbox fund?”

“Why didn’t you tell me that you’d come up with the donation program, not just the design?” she shot back, surprised when his grip only tightened on hers. “Besides, I thought donations were private.”