Chapter One

Cory Santangelo glanced at his watch. Again. He’d forbidden the ever-attentive press from attending tonight’s gala because he’d obtained an exclusive for coverage elsewhere. Wrong move, apparently. When a man paid handsomely—and secretly—for a notable photographer from the state’s largest newspaper to surreptitiously memorialize an event, he expected said photographer to arrive in a timely fashion. Preferably before the event ended.

Hell, he would have considered allowing the paparazzi to attend if he’d known the photog he’d secured wasn’t going to show.

Oh, it wasn’t over yet. Though the crowd of guests at Value Hardware’s annual Helping Hands charity benefit had definitely thinned, a stalwart number of partygoers would remain until the last drop of Cristal had been consumed. This gala had its roots in assisting the community, notably the underprivileged and down-on-their-luck, but many of those who came to their aid preferred to do so in gorgeous surroundings. Hence the yearly ball and its attendant auction, which always brought in the big bucks to help the foundation. Particularly this year, when a real-life romance had played out while the trinkets and baubles were offered up for bid.

His little brother, Dillon, had fallen for one of those down-on-their-luck types. Alexa Conroy owned a small, struggling flower shop in town and had fought a not-so-evil empire—which happened to belong to Cory—to save her business. Lex and Dillon had ridden out of there via motorcycle just a short while ago after putting on a show worthy of the daily soaps, complete with sweeping kisses and a frantic bidding war over a painting aptly titled Love at First Sight.

Now Dill was probably off biblically romancing his new girlfriend, and Cory couldn’t have been happier for him.

Especially since he’d hoped to milk the night for every drop of publicity it was worth. And that had been when he’d believed the only excitement would consist of Dillon’s large award for his volunteer work with the charity. The lovey-dovey melodrama was a news-at-eleven bonus, one that virtually assured that the charity and Value Hardware would get good press for days, despite Dillon the do-gooder’s publicity ban.

Or it would have assured it, had the photographer ever showed.

Cory pulled out his cell to call him. No reception bars. Of course. He needed to change plans. Or better yet, he needed his assistant to change them for him.

“Cory, wait.” He turned, glimpsing his mother and stepfather rushing toward him. He didn’t like the inevitable drop in his stomach as his mom gave him a quick hug and recounted the success of the night. All too often lately their discussions veered into a place he didn’t want to go, especially with his parents.

“Isn’t it wonderful about Dill and Alexa?” She sighed. “Dad and I were beginning to think he’d never fall in love.”

Here we go. “Isn’t that something that happens on its own timetable?”

“Of course, but you can help it along sometimes.” She grinned and pinched his cheek as if he were eight years old. As heat filtered into his face, he glanced around to make sure no one had seen her gesture. “It’s all about meeting the right people, sweetie. Something you don’t do enough of. You need to get out more, experience—”

“I experience plenty. Thanks for the advice, though.” He kissed her forehead and waved his phone at his stepfather, who stood stoically behind her. “Sorry, business.”

“Speaking of business…” Raymond Santangelo placed an arm around Cory’s shoulder, effectively halting his escape. He led him and Cory’s mother to a more private corner, where they stood between a potted ficus tree and a giant cardboard cutout of Dillon with the words “Volunteer of the Year.”

Dear God.

His mother tilted her head to the side, peering at him closely. “How long has it been since you’ve been on a date?”

Cory opened his mouth, then shut it. “Excuse me?”

His mother sighed and smoothed a hand over her neat auburn bob. “You remember dating, don’t you, sweetheart?”

“Dating isn’t part of my lexicon right now.” Cory pointedly glanced at his watch, furtively searching for an exit. Perhaps if he got out of there in a hurry, he’d head all of this off at the pass.

Raymond, who seemed completely unaffected by Cory’s attempt at bolting, stroked his short beard and shook his head. “We’re moving away in four weeks. You and Dillon are going to be on your own. Not that we won’t be available via phone and e-mail.”

“And Skype,” his mom added brightly.

Yes, Skype. Dillon had taught her how to use that particular piece of technology, damn him. Cory would make sure to thank his brother later. “I’m not a boy.” Cory met his stepfather’s gaze. “I think I’ve demonstrated my maturity and my ability to take care of myself. Of course we’ll miss you both.” He spared his mother a brief glance. “But this move is the best thing for your health, and Dillon and I are more than capable of running things.” The rest wasn’t worth discussing.

“You’re not any good to the company if you’re not good to yourself. And news flash, son, the circles under your eyes and your tendency to snap before your brain engages aren’t winning you any favors.” When Cory would’ve replied, his stepfather shook his head and tucked a hand in his pocket. “Look, we all knew this wouldn’t be an easy conversation. No one wanted you to feel like you were being attacked, but we all have a vested interest in making sure you’re happy.”

Cory tightened his jaw. “The bottom line.”

“No.” His mom’s face softened, her eyes going damp. “Do you really think that’s all you are to us?”

Cory turned away from the plea in her voice. He hated hurting her or worrying her for even a moment, but what did they expect from him? He didn’t have time to date, not with their looming retirement and the magazine launch. His free moments were chock full with store minutiae. Where, exactly, was he supposed to fit in this restorative dating?

“I have one unscheduled hour a day.” Cory pressed his fingers to his eyes. Waving his cell phone at his parents again, he added, “Look, can we finish this chat later? I really have to—”

“Not so fast.”

Should’ve known it wouldn’t be so easy. Wordlessly, he waited.

Raymond crossed his arms over his chest. Despite his kindly smile and penchant for friendly chats, the man could summon an iciness that glaciers would envy. “Customers don’t feel comfortable approaching you in the store. In fact, I got two complaints this week.”

“About what?” Cory couldn’t stem his outrage.

“About you. You blow people off when they say hello. You don’t think personal relations have anything to do with crunching numbers, and you’re wrong. In this economy, that personal touch is what keeps businesses like ours afloat. And if you’re not helping us, you very well could harm us.” Raymond’s jaw ticked. “Not acceptable, son. You need to take care of your responsibilities outside of the store, too. And that includes finding alternate ways of stress relief.”

Cory stared at him, sure he’d heard him wrong. “Sex?”

“We’re not talking about just physical relief.” How his mother could remain so placid when talking about sex in the presence of her grown son, Cory had no clue. “Who do you have to turn to when you need to talk?”

“I don’t. Need to talk,” Cory said when they all stared at him. “I have friends, of course, should the urge arise.”

He glanced away from the pity scrolling across his mom’s face. His stepfather was slightly more circumspect, but not much. They knew he didn’t have many friends. A spat with Victoria Townsend, who ran his company’s lifestyle magazine, usually was the extent of his personal conversations with people outside of his family or work associates.

“The kind of companionship you find in a relationship extends beyond friendship, son.” Raymond’s gentle tone didn’t lessen the steely glint in his eyes. He wasn’t backing down. Well, neither was Cory.

“I’m not a damn virgin. I’m almost thirty years old, for God’s sake, not twelve. I do know these things.” Cory raked a hand through his hair. He didn’t even dispute what they were saying for other people. Sharing a meal—or a bed—with someone appealed to him on some levels, but a relationship usually brought far too many complications.

“You already know so many lovely women, sweetheart.” Cory braced. Whomever his mom suggested, he would vehemently turn down. To do otherwise would break the unspoken mother/son covenant about dating advice created hundreds of years ago. “What about Melinda Townsend? She’d be perfect for you.”

Yeah, so he’d believed the several times he’d tried to set something up between them. Just to have a social companion, nothing more or less. He’d been resoundingly dismissed by Victoria’s sister.

Ignoring the question, Cory gave his parents a thin smile. Hopefully it didn’t hold the hostility he feared it did. “I’ll think over what you’ve said, I promise. And I do appreciate your concern.”

Or he would, once the sting wore off in a year or two. Did they really think he was such a loser that he needed his mommy and daddy to fix him up?

“Consider this a directive, rather than advice. I’m not letting the company run my oldest son into the ground. You’ve been sacrificing love and a family for power tools and spreadsheets. Well, no more. You have a stake in Value Hardware but I get to choose the CEO. If I need to replace you in that role in order to protect your physical and mental health, then I will. Do you understand?”