Alexa woke wrapped around Dillon, with their lips locked and his hand tangled in her hair.

His kisses were as slow and easy as the morning, and stirred her arousal effortlessly. He had the softest mouth and boy, did he know how to use it. Each time his tongue coiled around hers, pulling gently, she felt the answering beat between her legs. Already restless, she arched against him, well aware that his morning wood had grown. Now it was closer to the trunk of a magnolia tree, if she were inclined to be fanciful.

And when Dillon’s mouth was making slow, masterful love to hers, she sure was.

“Mmm.” Dizzy with longing, she rubbed against him. “Love morning magnolias.”

He laughed and moved back, peering at her with narrowed eyes. “Did you just call me magnolia?”

“Did I?” In her current state, anything was possible. She flashed him a coy smile in the hopes

of distracting him. “Maybe. I’m feeling awfully affectionate.”

“Are you now?” He drew a fingertip along her jaw and down her throat, stopping at her racing pulse. “You look freshly sexed,” he added, licking his lips in a way that triggered a whole new throb in her body. “Hair loose and messy, eyes sleepy.” His finger resumed its journey, pausing at one of her tight nipples. Circling there. In the night, she’d donned her sleep clothes, but it didn’t matter, because she felt naked all over again. “You’re not one of those eager-beaver morning types, are you?”

She tossed her hair back out of her eyes and linked her hands behind his head. “Afraid so. I’m really eager right now.”

“Is that so?” His hand crept under her cami, brushing the soft skin of her belly before sliding upward to tease the bottom of her breast. Another inch and he’d be stroking the taut tip without any clothing in the way. Oh yes please. “Eager enough to miss breakfast in favor of sex?”

Miss breakfast? She’d miss breakfast, lunch, and dinner if she got to stay curled around Dillon. Then she glimpsed the time on her bangle watch.

“Holy shit!” She leaped off him without warning, throwing an accidental elbow into his gut as she struggled to right herself. “Is it really almost eight-thirty?”

He tucked his arms behind his head and smiled. “Guess so.”

“I need to get to work. The store opens at nine and there’s a ton of stuff to do before then.”

Most of the guys she knew would’ve made some crack about the boss being allowed to be late, but he only nodded and pulled himself to his feet. “I’ll walk you over.”

“It’s only downstairs.”

“We’ll stop by the bakery first.” His tone brooked no argument.

She yanked down her cami and compressed her lips. She should tell him no. Maybe even start extricating herself from this burgeoning so not a one-night stand before things got messy.

Then he folded her fingers into his callused palm and tugged her up for another kiss and she forgot all about suggesting they go their separate ways.

He watched cartoons while she got ready, laughing aloud at the antics of Stewie and crew on reruns of Family Guy. He’d made himself a bowl of cereal from her lone box of cornflakes, and munched them sans milk as if she’d presented him with haute cuisine—well, if such a thing existed for breakfast.

But his interest in cartoons and cereal ended the instant she stepped into the living room.

Dillon eyed her as if she’d donned a leather bustier and garters. “Damn.”

“Do you like?” She did a little twirl, knowing full well she’d gone overboard for work. But damn, she’d enjoyed slipping into the short navy skirt and clingy V-neck top. Especially when she’d paired them with nude hose and heeled boots that made her legs good, even by her own critical standards.

Really good, if the glazed and slightly dumbstruck expression Dillon wore was anything to go by.

“I love.” He pounced before she had time to prepare, taking her mouth with a suddenness that stole her breath and her common sense right along with it. Right now, throwing her arms around his neck and pressing her body against his seemed like the best idea she’d ever had.

She was in serious trouble.

“Mm, even your toothpaste tastes sexy.” Grinning, he flicked his tongue along the corner of her mouth, digging into the grooves of her smile. “You look ah-mazing, Alexa. One-step-from-a-heart-attack incredible.”

She laughed and stepped around him to collect her purse. “Thanks for the explanation.”

“Since we’re new friends and all, I figured you might need help learning my personal lexicon.”

“New friends who barely know anything about each other,” she teased.