He wasn’t going to take advantage of her situation. Only a real creep would use her bad day as an opportunity to get laid.

Or a guy who hasn’t had sex in months.

“Are you a licensed plumber?”

“Are you a licensed florist?” He didn’t look her way, mainly because he didn’t need the distraction. Or the encouragement to do really bad things he shouldn’t be considering.

“Your evasiveness isn’t calming my concerns.”

“Neither is yours. What if I need flowers? How can I be sure you know your stuff?”

“Take a look at my shop,” she snapped.

He grinned and reached for another wrench. “Take a look at my tools.” When she gusted out a sigh, he relented. “Yes, I’ve taken classes. I have the appropriate certifications for all the work I do on this building. I also have good references.”

But she wouldn’t be getting them from him, unless she intended to meet his parents for reasons that extended beyond skilled plumbing work. And that wouldn’t be happening.

Mercifully she stayed quiet for several minutes. When she wasn’t talking, he didn’t have to block out the way his mind wanted to superimpose her husky voice saying inappropriate things, preferably while they were naked. “Almost done?”

“Not yet,” he said cheerfully, wiping his grimy hands on the rag he’d unearthed from his tool kit.

“Do you take this long with everything or just when you’re playing with pipes?”

Oh yeah, he couldn’t resist that one.

He leaned out from under the sink and cocked his head, letting his gaze roam her face as if he had all the time in the world to learn her with his eyes. “I take as much time as a project needs.” He let his voice drop. “Patience pays off in ways you probably can’t imagine.”

As he’d hoped, her lips parted. “Sometimes fast is good enough,” she said, her chest rising and falling with her breaths. Her nipples tightened, just enough to poke through her top.

Just enough to make him harder than the wrench he gripped in his fist.

“Depends what we’re talking about. I like to make sure I do a thorough job.” He lowered his gaze to her chest for barely an instant. “Though I can’t deny some are worthy of repeats.” At her hiss of breath, he flashed her a grin. “Ah well. Back to work.”

“Jerk,” she mumbled.

Her declaration garnered her a raised brow. “Problem?”

“No.” She shook her head so vehemently his grin grew. “None at all.”

Ah, he’d flustered her. Somehow he didn’t think that happened often. What would she do if he amped their play up a notch? “You’ve given me an idea. Since you’re so competent, I bet you could help me with this next part.”

“Me?” She straightened and the lust drained from her eyes. “Of course I could. What do you need?”

He pointed to the tool kit. “Grab that wrench there.” When she didn’t move, he smiled and pointed to the right tool. He fully expected her to roll her eyes, but she looked interested. Fascinated even.

Damn, her quick brain turned him on almost as much as her ankle bracelet. Maybe more.

“What do I do with it?”

“First I need to take off the knob on the faucet.” He removed it and set it aside, then wrapped the rag around the spout. “C’mere.”

She put up her hair in a quick knot, then stood next to him, her head bent, mouth pursed. “Now what?”

“We’re going to remove this valve, so that I can see if the washer’s in good shape.”

Barely blinking, she nodded. “Okay.”

“You can breathe. There are no lives at stake here, Alexa, I promise.”