“Slid the key in the lock? Slipped the notch into the groove? Inserted the meat in the bun?”

“Ugh, stop it!” Alexa couldn’t help laughing. “Besides, he may have…slipped that particular notch a couple times.”

“Uh-huh. You like him. I can see it all over your face,” Nellie said, sobering.

Alexa pulled off a corner of the muffin. Smelled delicious. “If I didn’t, do you think I would’ve slept with him?”

“No. You definitely wouldn’t be letting him help with the store if you didn’t. You also wouldn’t be glowing.”

“Am not,” Alexa said, swallowing her bite of muffin. She immediately snagged another piece.

“Are so.”

Feeling bolstered by the sustenance, Alexa let a sly grin creep onto her face. “Okay, maybe I am, just a little. We had a good night last night.”

“Deets, deets!” Nellie leaned forward expectantly. “How many positions are we talking here?”

“It’s about quality, babe, not quantity.” Alexa flipped her hair over her shoulder. “Let’s just say we christened my couch and how.”

Nellie’s eyes widened. “Really.”

Alexa studied her friend while she nibbled on her muffin. “You look green. Spill.”

“It’s nothing. Honestly. Just that…”

“What?” Alexa demanded, fearing the worst.

“Jake and I sort of had our first sexual, uh, encounter on that couch.”

Alexa shrank back. “Seriously? On my couch?” Thank God she hadn’t known that before. It totally would’ve doused her arousal last night. Well, possibly.

“It’s comfy.” Nellie shrugged, her pursed lips sliding into a smile. “Great memories. Glad to see it’s been good to you, too.”

“Can we get back to work now?”

“In a minute. Was it good for you, too?”

“The muffin?” Alexa swallowed the cranberry that had lodged in her throat at Nellie’s couch-sex admission. “Oh yeah, the very best.”

Grinning, Nellie picked up a spritz bottle of water. “Thought so.”

Dillon headed over to the donor house they were rehabbing on Spring Street and helped fill in on the roof for a missing crew member for a couple hours, then returned to the Rison to put the finishing touches on the flooring in the apartment down the hall from Alexa’s.

After that he checked on some of the other things on his list. The AC system did have a leak, one he’d have to fix soon. In the meantime, more refrigerant kept the place bearable. The stopgap measure was a waste of money, but he didn’t have time to spare at the moment.

When he couldn’t stall any longer, he took the baked goods out of the cooler in the back of his truck and headed over to Value Hardware.

He took the back way, feeling like a thief as he slipped into the side service entrance. The last thing he needed was to get caught dropping off pastries to the enemy camp by Alexa or Nellie.

See why this can’t work? Your family’s the enemy. Actually, you’re the enemy.

“Dillon, how nice to see you.” His stepfather grabbed him into a giant bear hug on his way down the hallway to the offices. “What’s the occasion?”

The back of his neck prickled. “Do I need a special occasion to come by and see my folks?”

Truth was, he almost did. Minus his impromptu visit yesterday—which hadn’t been for the purpose of family bonding—his visits to the store were few and far between. Something he intended to change, starting now.